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i walked out of class with swiftness, trying to get away from morgan as quick as possible.

i felt her eyes burning holes into the back of my head.

you could call me a coward, but i call it being safe.

i basically ran into the doors of the cafeteria but stopped dead in my tracks.

amirah was at the table.


with another dude.

the dude being luca.

no one noticed me as i slowly walked to the bench.

the laughter slowly died down once jack saw me.

"shit." caleb mumbled under his breath.

"oh hey! i'm luca." he stuck his hand out at me, offering a handshake.

i stared at it blankly.

"you're in my seat." i said coldly.

his expression changed almost immediately.

"oh, my bad."

he scooted over, pulling amirah with him.

speaking of amirah.

she was looking up at me like i was a completely different person.

like she didn't know who i was.

i sat down in my seat while everyone watched me.

i furrowed my brows.

"is there something on my face?" i asked sarcastically.

i faintly heard amirah scoff from where she was sitting at.

excuse me?

"is there a problem?" i asked, moving my head to look at her.

this kid luca smells like ass.

she raised her eyebrow at me.

"because if there is, you and your boy toy can leave. you haven't been here in weeks and you come back with this kid that makes the table smell like hot breath."

millie kicked me pretty hard under the table making me glare at her.

"look dude, i don't know what your problem is but you need to chill." luca said.

my problem is that you came here, fucking up my plan to get my friend back.

just looking at him made me want to sock him in his jaw.

"do you even take showers?" i tilted my head.

"finn!" sophia shouted.

i looked around the table.

millie was beyond pissed.

sadie, caleb, gaten, and chosen were trying not to laugh.

jaeden looked shocked.

jeremy looked in a completely different direction, acting as though nothing was going on.

jack seemed interested.

sophia was confused.

and wyatt was asleep.

"finn can i speak to you for a moment?" millie got up, leaving her lunch, and stomped out of the lunch room.

she didn't even give me a chance to disagree.

i got up with eyes, once again, burning holes into the back my head.

i opened the door and millie stood right behind it, fuming.

"what are you doing?!" she screeched.

"what is he doing here?" i asked, reaching the same volume she was at.

"it's amirah new friend, luca. ya know, the kid that dated morgan."

i twitched at her name.

millie gave me a suspicious look but dismissed it.

"i didn't ask who he was, i asked why he was here."

"listen finn. this attitude is gonna get you slapped. you're being utterly rude for no reason!"

"there is a reason!" i shouted back without thinking.

"then explain. please inform me why you're being such a dick." she crossed her arms.

"i want to get amirah back and this smelly asshat is in the way!"

"you think that bitchy attitude is gonna get you to your goal?! because you're fucking mental if you think so!" she shouted back.

"you don't understand." i threw my hands up, starting to walk away from millie.

she grabbed my arm and basically threw me back to where i was previously standing.


"i can't!"

"what the hell? why not?!"

"because i don't know what i want!
all i know is that i want my best friend back."

millies shoulders fell and her bottom lip poked out.

"oh baby." millie engulfed me into a tight hug.

"millie i don't know what to do." i mumbled as i hugged her back.

"well you obviously need some help because if you keep this up, you're never going to get her back." millie pulled away from me.

i ran my hand through my hair and looked down at millie.

"are you gonna be my little mentor? my little british angel on my shoulder?" i teased, poking her shoulder.

she swatted my hand away and giggled.

"you're not off the hook, you still need to go apologize." she suddenly became stern.

i groaned and stomped my foot, mimicking a little child.

she pushed me through the doors of the cafe.

i almost tripped over my legs which made millie giggle quiet loudly.

i looked back at her with a fake look of aggravation which made her laugh again.

once i turned back to the table, i noticed something.

the newlyweds were gone.

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