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"where the hell have you been?!" amirah screeched as she saw me walk into the cafeteria. i flinched at the sudden contact as she shook my body by my bony shoulders.

i gently took her arms off of my shoulder and set my bag down on the bench.

i cleared my throat. "i was hanging out with my new friend over the weekend."

"well that's good, i was texting you and calling you but you didn't answer . i thought something happened to you." she said as we got on the lunch line.

"sorry, we were barely on our phones to be honest. we were just having fun." i shrugged.


i pointed to the mac and cheese the school was serving for lunch so the lady could plop the artery clogging goodness on the styrofoam tray with some veggies and chicken nuggets.

i thanked her with a smile, and grabbed a water bottle.
"what did you guys do?"

"at first we ate, watched tv, joked around, sleep, played games, watched more tv, talked about some stuff and slept more. then she had to go home, but we're planning on hanging out again." i explained and she nodded.
i handed the lady the money and waited for amirah to pay for hers and left to our table.

not everyone was at our table, either because they were still on line for lunch or they were absent. the ones who were at the table usually bring lunch to school.

"hey." i greeted as i sat down.

"hi babe, how ya feeling?" millie asked, blowing on her chicken noodle soup. i smiled and picked at my mac and cheese.

"i'm great, amazing actually." i wrapped my arm around amirahs neck and ruffled up her pink hair. she slapped my hand away, giggling.

"finn has a girlfriend." amirah said in a teasing voice. caleb looked over at me with a confused look as he set his tray down.

"i don't. she's just exaggerating." i rolled my eyes and ate some of my chicken.

"i don't think so, they kissed and everything." she dragged.
i pushed her making her laugh and shook my head.

"we didn't. i've only known the girl for about three weeks. i don't move that fast. and plus, i don't even like her." caleb raised a bushy brow at the last bit but i looked away before he could embarrass me.

"well he won't tell me who she is and i'm very offended." amirah fake pouted. i flicked her bottom lip and watched her grab her mouth.

there's a reason for that

"even when you guys don't have guns in your hands, you still find a way to hurt each other." chosen shook his head.

"she's being a brat."

"and you need some pussy in your life, what else is new." the table roared in laughter and i glared at her in the corner of my eye.

i put my hand on her upper thigh and squeezed. she choked on whatever food was in her mouth, making everyone laugh harder.

it was her turn to glare at me but i looked around ignoring the scolding look.

i finished eating and talked with everyone until the period ended. i grabbed my bag and let amirah kiss my cheek as she went in the opposite direction as me.

caleb, gaten, jeremy and i left the cafe but not before caleb threw his whole body into me. i almost fell but jeremy caught me before.

my knight in shining armor

"dude what happened?! did you guys fuck?" he whispered the last part but jeremy still managed to hear him. he cringed but still listened.

i told him what happened, including the stealing boyfriend part, and made sure to let them know that no sexual interaction happened while she was with me.

"i literally do not understand you. you have a beautiful girl in your house, alone mind you, and still manage not to kiss her or anything. finn are you okay in the brain?" gaten pokes at my head.

technically no...

"i'm not that kind of person!" i screeched.

"what do you mean?! you have girls falling to their knees at you." i rolled my eyes. "and yet you're so blindsided by amirah that you don't realize."

here we go

"you know what, i'm not gonna explain myself anymore, i already told you that i don't like amirah. and even if i did at some point, i sure don't anymore. i really like morgan and i just wanna focus on her." i spoke truthfully.

hold on a minute

am i really ready to get over her?

"holy shit! finn finally put his big boy pants on! congrats." gaten patted my shoulder.

as we approached the class, we could see morgan standing outside our class, talking to one of her friends i assume. once she saw us, she waved goodbye to her friend and strolled to us, thwarting our 'celebration.'

"what's the special occasion we're cheering for?" she smiled.

"finn said-" i threw my hands around jeremy's mouth and smiled, panicking inside.

"they're just being dumb." i said through the giggles of the boys behind me.

"okay then. weirdos." she walked in front of us and i slapped the back of the boys heads making them all groan. she turned around, at the sounds with a raised eyebrow but i threw my hands up, pledging innocent.

we walked into the class right before the bell rung. it didn't really matter if we were late or not. mr.lesly is always the last one in the class so technically he was the late one.

in the middle of the lesson, i felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. i looked back at the person who sat behind me, which was morgan and hummed, quietly asking 'huh?'

"do you wanna come over after school? i'll drive us." she offered, biting her lip after she spoke.

i'm pretty sure that's a nervous habit or something but the things it's doing to me right now...

i nodded with a little grin. "yeah of course, i'll meet you by the the library ninth." she agreed but our conversation was interrupted by our teacher.

"hey finn, quit flirting back there and pay attention." he teased. the class laughed and i blushed, looking down.

once he continued the lesson, i looked up to see all the guys giving me thumbs up which i was pretty sure she could see since she wa sitting right behind me but i didn't really care at this point.

and so to conclude my thought from earlier


i am ready to get over amirah.

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