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i think it's about time to get over finn.

i realized how weak and vulnerable i was, crying over a guy.

how could i be so dumb to let him affect me like that.

he obviously didn't care about me so why should i care about him?

i got the courage to call up luca.

we started talking almost two weeks ago and i guess you can say we hit it off.

he made me laugh and took my mind off of finn which was pretty cool.

he never wanted to skip class though.

finn never passed up an opportunity to skip.

luca smoked a lot.

to the point where everything of him smelled like cigarettes.

yeah i smoke but not as much as him.

finn never smoked.

i smiled a little at that.


luca listens to country.

finn and i used to always clown on country music.

i kind of just tune the music out whenever he plays it in his car.

he doesn't like my sense of music either but thats okay.

finn and i had the same music taste.

we danced all night long until we passed out from exhaustion.

that made me laugh.

luca had a big dick.

but finn's was bigger.

just saying.

luca made questionable noises when we fucked.

i wouldn't know what noises finn makes.

he's a virgin.

which is absolutely okay.

luca also used this weird cologne.

it smelled like a mix of toilet water and sand.

i tried to hold in my gag every time i was near him.

finn always smelled good.

he smelled clean.

his smell was a mix of laundry detergent and his deodorant with a faint minty smell coming from his mouth.

it was his smell.

i prefer luca over finn.

luca never made me cry.

luca never made me want to die.

luca never made me question if something was my fault.

luca understood me.

so yeah.

it's safe to say.

i'm over finn.

her {finn wolfhard}Where stories live. Discover now