Ch 1| Why

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"Please no more stop that was my favorite book!"he calls out as the group of boys rip it apart and throw it in the mud!

"Does it look like we care?! No we don't give a damn! And we told you to stop talking didn't we you pathetic looser!'says the leader throwing a punch at the younger when the other two come in kicking it,no matter how much he screamed for help no one dared to help him

"Try talking back to us again one more time nerdy and the book won't be the only thing that will end up in mud shit?! Plus the beating will be much worse! Let's go guys our fun has come to and end..."says the younger of the group....

They leave the poor boy their with tears once more,he loved that book.... a special teacher gave it to him two years ago.....

"That will mess up jungkook for doing that to us! No one will disrespect us! Little less someone ugly and needy as him but I'll admit hitting him is fun an adrenaline happens when it does...."namjoon says and he rest laugh agreeing

"We are the most popular plus we have everything! Jungkook doesn't really need to be in this school anyways no wonder he has no friends not even ones like him! What a shame!"jimin talks and namjoon high fives him

Jungkook POV

Every day at school is a living hell everything... especially when u get made fun of..... when you get tortured..... when you get hurt.... I wish jin would still be in high school but instead he's in his first year of college.... he's my brother ..... Since He left I've gotten bullied it's been hit after hit insult after insult everyone judges me for how I look and for everything really well at first when Jin was in the School everything was fine but after he left people have only hurt me......and I never do anything about it cuz I don't know how, my parents are never home jin my oldest brother is the one who's mostly at home with me he just started college I sometimes don't tell him the truth on me getting bullied but at times I do he takes care of me you can say he is the only person who is willing to care and like who I am......

Once I try and fight back I get the most precious thing thrown in the mud all ripped apart and get punched, I loved the book a special teacher gave it to me when I was having a rough time..... now becuz Of them it's done, I've never done anything wrong so why is it like this?

What happened jungkook look at u! Ur cheek is red and it looks like it's about to be bruised and then ur pants  are dirty!" Said jin

"Jungkook  Plz tell me what happened!"he asked again

Nothing Jin hyung I tripped on something during school which ended up me hitting my cheek I promise is the truth" I say faking a smile so he believes me.

"I'll believe you on this one just cuz your smiling jungkookie Please be more careful I hate seeing you like this."

"I will Hyung I'll be more careful." After I went up to my room did my homework logged in on instagram there was the video of me getting hurt well the part on me falling Everyone was putting mean comments on it telling me how much of  a looser and weakling I am and how I deserved not having friends that and  no one will ever love me I'm so tired of it all! But yet I don't do anything about it how I wish I could......I'm afraid of getting hurt again tomorrow though at this point I shouldn't hope if it will happen either way.........

A/n so this was he first book I ever made on Wattpad umm but I reviewed it and saw this book would have more potential if I changed the chapters and added more to it which I will do u can say I am rewriting the book but I hope people love it!

A/n- I'm fixing mistakes for this book so please don't mind!

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