Ch 4| What is this

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Jimin POV

I woke up in the morning to the sound of my alarm.... I hated going to school but then again I also love going to school seeing my friends and more importantly messing around with jungkook.... idk why I just like messing with him like taehyung an adrenaline comes to me that I can't seem to explain.... I've never once felt bad on it......

"Hey jiminie you came early to school! Anyways I'm sure jungkook has our homework ready don't u think?"taehyung ask me and I just nod waiting for jungkook to come in

As we see him walking in with I see that the uniform we messed up with was now cleaned Ofc that looser would try and bring it all clean he seems to buy ahve noticed us until taehyung and I walk to him grabbing it by the collar smashing it into the locker

"Alright nerd enough playing games did you do our homework or not? You better have done it! Or else the pain will be even worse now!'I say and he looks scared he starts searching in his backpack looking for the piece of paper which was in a tiny pile

"Here please don't hurt me I swear I did your homework's see! Enough to get an A don't hurt me I did u guys a favor!" He says and the word favor angered taehyung but not me punching jungkook in the face and then grabbing the papers harshly

"Fucking nerd! It's not a favor u dumb ass it's a must do whenever we want it! And u don't get any say in what we should do only we can! Alright! As a punishments I'll be ripping ur homework! Aww too bad this hard work will not be appreciated!"he says putting water on his papers after crumbling it

"No my homework! No I worked so hard on that no don't pleaser!"he says and I just hold tightly on to him as I see tears and frustration when namjoon and the rest appear

"Wow jiminie, taehyung is having the looser all wrapped up nice and I heard your fucking screams kid! Here this is for telling them what to and not to do!" Namjoon says before releasing my hand gently then punching jungkook in the arm really hard which I'm sure left a bruise it's better when namjoon is their we gain more power

"Listen brat! They will ask for homework and you will do it alright! Freaking looser!"yoongi says

He looked a bit helpless and out of nowhere a part of me felt strange but I don't know how to describe the feeling in particular all I know is that it happens seeing it I need to distract myself so I walked away telling hoseok I would be going to the bathroom

What was that feeing? I don't pity nor feel guilty at all so what must this feeling be? I know for sure it isn't the feeling of regret.... I shake my head feeling a bit satisfied with the jungkook result

I do have a past and why I became how I am but looking at my past makes me hate it a lot no one really knows that much about it neither do my friends except for taehyung.......

No ones POV

Jungkook stayed like that crying he didn't care about the pain but the homework that took him hours to finsih and do while being at home he only hoped that the teachers wouldn't get mad at him he always did it and he didn't want teachers thinking that for not bringing it once it would create a habit......

They could have hurt him and not taken his homework but in the end he knew he also was crying becuz he's tired of it all and becuz he just wished someone's would somewhat help him for once but no one ever does and he hates that.....he's only got his brother but his brother isn't in the school anymore

He picks his stuff up gets up and heard the bell ring he wipes his tears and is once glas it wasn't his face as much and only his arm that was in pain as he entered the classroom people tried tripping him which ended up teacher scolding the person and asking jungkook if he was ok

"I'm sorry ms Kim I my homework I was walking and some people went through my backpack and they ripped it and all as u can see it's dirty I'm sorry I promise I'll redo it all and- "the teacher stops him

"You don't need to jungkook.... I know your a good kid I'll let you pass on this one but if it happens again tell me Alright? I'll inform your teachers right now...."she says kindly to him he smiles at how much ms Kim is nice to him and looks like he doesn't have to worry as much

During lunch he didn't want another beating so he went to the tree that almost no one goes too and sits down listening to music which is what calms him down and also makes him feel peaceful he feels that music is healing. He starts singing when no one hears him

Just as he was singing jimin was passing by the area seeing that jungkook was alone in the pretty place hearing his voice

Im so tired of this place I hope people change
I need time to replace what I have away
And my hopes they are high I must keep them small thought try resist
I still want it all.....

Jimin can't help but find his voice soulful and peaceful and with emotions he was going to go up to him but decided that just for today he wouldn't mess with him.... he doesn't know why he's acting this way today but he hoped it would go away and walked away rmebering who he is and his position

He saw his friends and smiled and his friends smiled back.....

"So jiminie we were talking about winter vacation that's in just two months.... aren't you happy for it we were also deciding if we should I don't know have a trip all together!" hoseok says pulling jimin in

"Hyungs that actually does sound like fun I'm actually totally down for it no matter what! Maybe we can even go in the ice it's already a bit cold but not as much u know! Plus we need a break from this shitty place!"jimin speaks back and the rest agree

"I think we did amazing job at hurting jungkook it would all be better if he left the school but then we would have no fun! Today I heard people tripped him twice in class once was found out and the other wasn't that nerd deserves it!"taehyubg speaks

"I get it it's best if he doesn't defend himself but honestly he's weak as hell and all he doesn't defend! Man I feel bad for whoever marries him in the future if he even decided to get a partner in life!"jimin says and the rest laugh

"Please jimin like if he actually has a chance tho yet u never know!"yoongi says and they continue laughing

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