Ch 17| The talk pt 1

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Jungkook went home frusterated for what had happened the whole day and to say he wasn't too happy with jin but couldn't hold back on a grudge it was his brother and he's only looking out for him as he got home only his parents were their wel mostly his dad

"What's wrong son did you have a bad day at school? Did anyone bully you again if so tell me I'll go to the school!" his father says but Jungkook shakes his head and his father sits in front of him.

"No appa everything is fine, no one bullied me. I didn't have a good day becuz of some news that I received... you see today in music arts class I have to be in a group at the end of the school year well 1 month before I have to perform and it's with the people who bullied me.... jimin is in it thank god but the rest..." Jungkook talks and his father nods understanding.

"I don't like that they paired you up with your bullies...did you talk about changing and do they still bully you?." No they don't well they try to insult me but I don't let them...and you don't have to worry jin talked with my teacher which is also our neighbor and so jin is part of the group what I don't like is I have to spend time with them when we don't get along...."he says lying now down in the couch sighing his father sits more near him.

"I get it but the teacher did say that if it was going bad to switch right? Then that's important look your mom and I didn't love eachother at first. We hated eachother called each other name slowly we fell in love over a school project obviously you won't fall in love with them but like.... what I'm trying to prove is things change people change sometimes people have a reason for the way they act.... but still you can't forgive people easily not after everything they did to my big boy!" he says ruffling Jungkooks hair jungkook smiles.

"Ha Thanks dad I really needed it I miss having you and mom around at times." he says getting up as they give a father and son hug because sometimes a parents love is all you need. When the door opens Jin and their mom find it adorable that they are hugging.

"Why won't you look at my young cute baby and by babe! Ahh jin get in it!"she says. Jin goes and their mom follows as they laugh. "Since when did this become a family hug? Ahh it's been so long I missed this warmth." Jungkook says feeling happy and like a little kid just like Jin. "Ahh our boys grew  up a lot huh honey....our small angels!"his father says hugging his mom.

"Yea they did ahh soon enough we will be grandparents which not yet please!" his mom says and they laugh. Jin and Jungkook leave right after.

"Are you sure about this jungkook? I'm sorry i didn't tell you and all.... I decided to be your team because I really wanna help you guys I may not have that big talent at it but you may never know!" he says as jungkook nods being happy in the end.

As they get their they see hobi and jimin laughing along until Jin and Jungkook put their stuff away and approach the other boys look get up and go meet them. "Hello kookie! Hey hyung you guys literally came 5 minutes after us this is Jung Hoseok or I like to call him hobi hoseok this is jungkook older brother Jin you and him are only 2 yrs apart..."Jimin says. Hobi and jin greet eachother friendly. "Now yes hobi was part of their group, but actually he never actually physically hurt me or anything so I guess we can trust in him...?" jungkook says

"I'm sorry for what has happened with your brother and all I should have stopped them. I- Jimin  knows I never liked hugging Jungkook in the first place honestly.... I never laid a finger on him I couldn't...." hobi says with a serious tone because he's telling the truth. "It's fine I'm actually happy you didn't I'm not going to be hard with the others when they come, but I will not be like oh my brotha and all that but what I like about you is your a really bright person aren't you?" Jin says as hobi laughs and does so Jin, tells a joke making hobi laugh along Jin and Jungkook.  After a few minutes Yoongi  Namjoon and Taehyung enter.

"Hello I'm namjoon, that's Yoongi!" Namjoon says bowing at Jin. The older  greets them back. "No need for introduction I remember Taehyung.....boy have you changed became handsome I see you must feel lucky to have such friends..." Jin says looking at him as Tae sighs becuz in the past Jin helped him a lot. "I know hyung I know...look I.... it's better if I keep my mouth shut for now... can we get started?" he says and they agree they all sit down.

"Now first things first you guys are a team and all now so we have to pit some things behind and also we need to clarify a log first things first why did you guys hurt Jungkook? What in him made you guys so upset?" Jin says calmly looking at all of them, Jungkooks looks down at his shoe. "I honestly when I first looked at Jungkook I didn't wanna hurt him it all really started with Taehyung... Jungkook once bumped into us and all and that made us all upset and I don't know why it did in the first place quite honestly... then it evolved to sick words and to finally physical stuff... I'm truly sorry for hurting  you Jungkook. I don't do it cuz I feel your a burden or pity no I don't see you that way I do it becuz I once was like you! I don't know... Why I let my popularity take the best of me.... and all because you deserve everything and I don't understand why you guys got mad at me for that I can be friends with whoever the Fuck I want, and if you guys were true friends you would understand me!" Jimin says feeing upset now that he has analyzed everything.

"But Instead of seeing my point of view, you guys insulted me and more importantly you even tried to fight me something I would never expect!so how will I not feel upset with you guys?!" Jimin says finishing everything and the others feel a bit of guilt.

"Look jimin we are sorry alright? Is that what u wanted to hear? I was just scared jungkook would steal u away from us which in a way happened it's so different without you their jimin! We are sorry it just not only that part but we thought you were hating us!" Taehyung talks as Jimin stares in disbelief.

"Jimin we never tried to hurt you and we are well at least from my part I'm truly sorry your right we didn't act like true friends towards you guys please forgive us we regret it." Yoongi says looking at jimin with a please expression. "I....i don't know ...."he says looking away.

"The one who truly deserves an apology isn't me it's jungkook.... I did it hoseok did it why is it so hard for you guys?!"Jimins says as now all eyes are on Jungkook. "You don't have to force yourself and apologize to me your expressions say it all... I don't need you guys forcing it, don't wanna apologize then, that's fine I'm used to it by now aren't I? It's not like I'm your friend I'm only allowing to be part of this group so I don't fail the semester... I know you guys hate me I will never change your minds no matter what." he says cold but trying to prove his point, Jin just saw how it all happened.

"I feel people need to realize their bad actions towards someone... but it's better to als urself why do you hate jungkook? Or is it jealousy? Cuz sometimes it can be that.... an apology is better trust me." Jin says looking at them until yoongi finally decided to speak up. "I'll admit it I have too... what we did towards you jungkook wasn't the right thing it could have come to the point you would have ended up in the hospital I'm sorry for all my I'm here to give u a sincere apology.... I'm sorry and I don't feel force or I am doing it that way... your right he never hurt us." Yoongi says, Jin smiles at him but Yoongi actually felt sorry.

..... To be continued

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