Ch 9| change

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As the weeks passed by jungkook did go with jin to the gym he did get and  and some muscles not big ones just medium small one still enough to see he still was shy let's say he was the same jungkook just that this time he would have a different attitude towards the people who played and laughed st him to anyone else he changed his appearance but not his bunny cute ways their parents came home for two weeks Christmas and New Years it was just 4 left till jungkook and the rest were back in school they were informed to have new uniform which was delivered jimin and There  of the group had fun partying and everything they couldn't wait to go back to school somehow they were gonna apologize to jungkook but they thought jungkook would come back weak are they right?

Not only that but over break jungkook net two people who were really nice to him and became a bit of his friends today jungkook would be getting a haircut with jin.

   "Jin but I don't feel like dying my hair I already colored it brown two years ago remember ?"Jungkook says.

   "You Can re dye it brown or black or whatever color u want after just this once please? I promise that after a while you can go back to whatever color you desire do a strawberry blonde?" Jimin says jungkook nods.

  As they change jungkook whole look they after went shopping for new clothes for him to wear and u would tell the difference from the old jungkook to the new one this one seemed a bit more stronger still bunny cute face but a bit of change.

   'I've really changed have I? I can barely even recognize myself hyung!'jungkook says to himself

   "Yea by the way I sent a picture to mom and dad and omg they said they loved it!"jin says as jungkook laughs how much jin was excited for this

  "I can't you believe you were able to make friends with the new neighbors now that is awesome kookie you have friends!" Jin says as they were now out.

  " Same here though we do not know eachother that much all I know is that yugyeom and bambam are part of the group they are living with and that they are my age we barely got closer last week all their hyungs seem nice! They wanted to meet you!" Jungkook goes on and talks. "Really? Wow then we will do wait why are all seven living together though?"

  "Well they've been best friends since middle school so practically they are really close and their parents are busy so one of them is close to ur age or your age so he is the guardian but yea they wanted to live together and all!" Jungkook goes on explaining while jin nods his head.

   "So you ready to go back to school in 4 days and all jungkook? R you extremely nervous for it?" Jin asks while jungkook nods eating his ice cream.

  "I'm really nervous though I've changed and I won't let anyone humiliate me becuz you kept your promise hyung u have helped me and I couldn't have asked for it either way..... thank you for that! I'll show them I'm strong and all,but I'm nervous."

" Surely no one will know it's the jungkook they humiliated but keep ur head up high and show everyone what ur made of alright?"Jin asks Jungkook nods.

  As they get back home jungkook meets up with his neighbor friends and they were Shocked  at his transformation but likes it.

   "YoU know jungkook it's been nice getting to know you! How do u really not have any friends if it's fine with you mind telling us what's happen?"one of them asks.

" You see yugyeom in my school I'm not really much loved I'm bullied and humiliated almost all the time except the last day I went they bullied me really badly as u can see I still have but or bruise on lip in the bottom that I covered but yea.... so jin changes me and when I go back to don't expect to let anyone downgrade me one more time..." he says.

   "Well that's good tho isn't it? But how can they bully you I mean looks don't matter and besides ur not a bad looking dude ur actually really handsome like your brother any girl would fall for you..... it's a shame no one went more to see ur inside..."bam talks looking another way

  " Nah well now I look good looking but still not enough and guess people are that way but you know it's fine..... I plan on changing it all after..." he speaks the other nods.

  " What about you guys aren't you going to enroll in like idk a school or something?"Jungkook asks.

   "We are but for the first theee weeks we will be homeschooled that's until we find a good school that we like you know how Jae bum is and all but we will go to a school we want to that's for sure.... maybe we can go to ur school!"yugyeom talks.

   "That actually be nice and if u guys do I'll be waiting.... well I have to go jin needs me bye gyeomie bye bamie!" he says and they say goodbye.

     As he gets home Jin is already their with ken who hasn't seen Jungkook in so long so as he enters Jin calls on him loudly. " Kookie! Ken is here! Look how much he has change ken!" Jin says as Jungkook walks in greeting him hugging Jungkook.

   "Woah jungkook looking handsome my man! Ahh so amazing! You changed so much your hair and everything wow kookie!'he says and the younger laughs. "Let's say jin wanted me to do something different and all he had helped me in everything!"Jungkook says and the guys have fun talking the whole day

A/n Hope u guys likes today's chapter if u ever wanna talk u guys can message me I need army friends.... but If not then that's alright I just like that u guys are enjoying the story I honestly thought it would not do well surprisingly so far it is so thank you! Have a good evening day or night depends where u live!

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