Ch 14| My old friend

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Sort of long chapter ahead I guess? Not a lot but longer than any chapter so far in this story

           "Alright jungkook what are you trying to play here huh?! Your trying to influence Jimin on your pathetic words?!" Taehyung says as he has Jungkook captured against the wall. "Really well I'll tell you this your friend is the one who came to me I didn't influence your friend in any shit! Plus you guys has an argumente didn't you? Now you may wanna release before I hurt you!"Jungkook says glaring at him. "Listen here Mr. Jungkook I get to do whatever you want and what you did yesterday at school was nothing compares ro what I have caused you! Ima just tell you this I hope your not the one that made jimin go towards u! Now that you changed your look I wouldn't be surprised if you want attention! And also guess what I'm not letting go if so fight me faggot!" he says gripping into Jungkook more until Jungkook violently pushes his arm off taehyung tries to punch him but jungkook catches his arm and holds it.

   "I'm not the pathetic weakling I was before Kim! I'm not the whiny kid that asked for ur friendship!  You made me life a living nightmare! And I'm sick of it!" He says and taehyung lets go.Pushing him harsh and punching him in the stomach jungkook then pushes him to the wall and punches his face with full force leaving a bit of blood on taehyung lips Jungkook then gets close to him on the floor in front of his face.

   "Listen to me you piece of shit! I won't let you or any of your god damn friends do shit to me I'm tired of it all! Your such a pathetic liar and popularity has gone through your head! You once were my best friend now it seems your an enemy.... I never did anything wrong for me to get treated this by you and it's such shame Kim taehyung our friendship didn't work then again your so scared of being bullied and being made fun of that you ditched me well guess what I was as well! Your friends can come at me but I won't stand their crying like before! See you later fucking alien!"Jungkook says as he shakes off grabbing his stuff and heading back  home.

  Taehyung is just their he shivers a bit for what Jungkook did....and maybe just maybe he's starting to feel a bit bad of what he did towards the boy.... but he wants wrong taehyung didn't wanna be made fun of he can handle it but not to the point of it being an everyday thing.Hoseok was with him so as he got out of the store he saw taehyung in the floor and he Immediately went to see if he was ok by pulling him up.

   "What happened to you?! I'm gone for 6 minutes and I find this, you being beaten up! Your lip is bleeding a bit and it's bruised who did this and why?" He asks feeling worried for him. "It was fucking Jeon Jungkook! I slammed him against the wall I said some stuff and we got into a fight as you can tell I lost it.... he's now the jungkook we knew....he's changed... he definitely has,but that doesn't me I still dislike him and who he is."Taehyung says seriously as he touches his lip and rubs the blood with his shirt.

   "You actually deserve it then tae  you don't have to be friends with him but aren't you tired of being in this big tension with him?! Why do you hate him so much? Not even Namjoon Hates him that much did he ever do anything to you? If not then I don't know what's the point still in trying to hurt him you will get hurt it's not fair tae tell me!" he says as they start walking taehyung sighs. "He well... I must not deny it but he didn't do anything to me jungkook and I..... used to be best friends back in 7th grade I cared a lot for him but people stared saying things he was getting picked on I was Afraid of it happening...  to me as well.... but then idk why how he is bothered me and I don't know! I don't know why I fucking hurt him! I get this adrenaline but for what it seems I don't have it anymore not after what he did! I never told u this becuz u guys would make fun of me and believe I'm friends with him or bullying me like him.... not even jimin knows this hobi...."he says sighing after confessing everything he has spoken

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