Ch 15| Show them what i am

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While in the morning with jungkook he meets up with jimin getting a high five until jimin sees his bruised cheek

   "Woah he really did hit you? Does it hurt a lot did Jin put any ice packs so that it doesn't get swollen or anything?" Jiminsays concerned by Jungkook and they start walking. "Doesn't hurt too much compared to other blows I've received but when touching it then it does hurt I added a bit of makeup to it but didn't cover it too much but still I'm satisfied either way doesn't matter!" Jungkook says, Jimin just nods and on their way Jungkook starts making funny jokes causing Jimin laughter.

   "They called you a betrayer won't you rather be with your friends than me Jimin? I mean you don't have to be my friend out of pity you can hang with them and I wouldn't get mad really." Jungkook says since he heard it walking by while laughing. "I wouldn't rather be with people who bully people and who don't know what harm they do at times I rather much be with you plus your fun I'm not trying to be ur friend out of pity in doing it cuz I really want too if I didn't wanna be with you or get to know you trust me... I would have been with them even after that whole argument we had plus.... believe it or not I was once like you." he says making Jungkook be curious on how he once was like him.

   "What do u mean by that?"

"I prefer telling you another time yea? It's fine to go to class I'll see you then!" Jimin says waving bye and patting him on the back as jungkook enters everyone starts being nice to him taehyung enters he keeps his gaze at jungkook and just sits down.

  Jungkook POV

   I wasn't gonna let him torture me anymore I don't want to be shown as a weak person when I know I'm strong somehow plus I'm so tired of being physically and mentally in pain I just want to be a normal teen yet people here kissing my ass  due to my change but still I deny them...

   He was my friend and it hurt me a lot when younger when he decided to go away and make fun of me becuz he knew no one liked me he wasn't a true friend becuz a true friend would stick with you and defend you no matter what.... it's a shame I was expecting to have a big future with him as my friend or looking as an older Jin but now I don't hate or despise him I just dislike who he is.

   I'm still somewhat hesitant about jimin but he has showed me somehow that it's now just becuz he feels of popularity and all but that he actually does try to be my friend I hope I don't loose him as well yes I know I have bambam and yugyeom and more but I don't wanna loose him here at school I wouldn't get sad but disappointed....

  After a while it was finally the time I head to Jaebum class I'm nervous will people judge me or not I worked out four routines with jimin

   "I'm nervous as well don't worry plus he is like a brother isn't he? Whoever makes fun of you I'll defend you... he will too!" Jimin says putting a hand on my shoulder and I smile when I see their gazes on me.

   "Taehyung oopa why is ur lip and cheek bruised up?'a girl asks and I see Jimin then look at him with widen eyes and nodding before turning to me.

  "Did you cause that?"

   "Yes, yes he did in my defense he deserved it!"I say and he nods. "I'm not gonna judge in fact I thank you I know they've tried talking to me but their pride gets the best of them I'm in your side!" Jimin says.

   "No need to kiss my ass Becuz I know that prideness comes first!" he says loudly low key calling them out when they heard their eyes widen as well and I just laughed.

   "Alright class welcome as you know today we are in the dance place instead you guys have changed clothes, and today I'll go by the pairs and see who does well and who doesn't Alright? Starting first with Taehyung and Namjoon!" Jaebum says

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