Ch 21| Long awaited apology

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  " No namjoon the choreography is like this! Come on man it's not that hard we've been at this for 2 whole damn weeks! Unlike you jungkook has to carry Jimin on his shoulder!'hobi yells at namjoon since he was now frusterated while Jimin and Jungkook were sitting down they were really tired

   "I'm not a good dancer alright Fine cue the music but I'm not doing this all alone ok? Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and even you yoongi come on!'he says as Yoongi  complains getting up

   "The dance like will do all the choreographies first then we will go one by one Alright?" Jungkook says as he too was frusterated by the situation yes they've been getting along but it's still new to Jungkook on having this much people with him as for Tae they've exchanged words but not as much

  Taehyung wants to apologize but.... something is somehow stopping him from it and that's mainly his pride he really wants too but he's also afraid...his girlfriend has been helping him a lot in the situation

   All of them take turns and it's now jin and namjoon who have to dance alone ro get it right and after a while they do yoongi somehow manages to falls asleep in the floor making everyone laugh and take a picture

   "Lazy ass!" Namjoon talks laughing while taking a picture he won't post it social media because yoongi would literally kill them if any did that even Jimin. "Finally alright we got all the dances right well two out of five but it's something compared to nothing Ahh really this is hard Jungkook, jimin wanna work on our trio?" Hobi asks and the others nod Jimin helps Jungkook up

   They dance and the other get jealous how easily it's for the three of them to get the moves right and have less mistakes then them as they all clap. "Ahh jungkook Jin! my mom says you guys can come to my house she apprenatly wants to meet you guys and my dad is home and he wants to see if he actually umm mr jeons sons....who knew our fathers would know eachother." Jimin talks as Jungkook and Jin nod and they leave taehyung then comes near Jimin

    "Jimin before you go may I please talk to you I know that you and I have been in some way really destitant and I really wanna change that." he says Jimin looks into his eyes but nods going outside to sit near some stairs. "What did you need to tell me taehyung are you here to fully apologize to me or anything?"

  " matter of fact I am..... look Jimin I'm sorry that I acted that way to the point of almost hurting you or actually hurting you it's just seeing you with Jungkook triggered me, and It's that you have been my best friend and I guess I felt you being with jungkook I would loose you and idk.... you seem to act better with him and all since we did bully him and I don't know why I wanna apologize to Jungkook but I can't seem to do Ig my pride gets the best of me and Idk why...."he says frusterated looking straight ahead as Jimin sighs

    "I forgive you because  you have helped me in so many ways taehyung that you have no idea..... you would never loose me if your nice and all....I'm still ur best friend I'll always be your best friend....there's nothing wrong with having different best friends either yes Jungkoom May in a way be my best friend but I'll never forgot about you when u have helped me in so much and we've had such fun times.... I won't leave you either." he says trying to cheer up taehyung in which he does

   "As of kookie you hurt him more badly than any of us.... he tried to explain his side how miserable he felt when you left him and started humiliating him....he thought of you as another was really hard on him...I know now you guys seem to not care as much about that but taehyung you knew him first you did wrong.... he has never done anything to you I mean for fucking sake he didn't even get you in trouble when he could have.... you can dislike eachother for reasons but at least an apology will helpful wont it? Having a talk with him? Sometimes our pride is good but sometimes when it's needed we have to put it aside yea?'as Jimin says that the boy nods Jimin can tell he wants some time alone so he leaves making a thinking taehyung

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