Ch 12| Are we good?

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Jungkook POV

My first day back was well it was ok better than the days I used to have at least now I let people know they can't mess with me and all Ahh but it was also a really long day if I'm being honest what's the most weird is jimin.... he apologized to me and was nice to me the whole day or almost everytime he saw me

I don't know what his true intentions are nor what this is all about but a part of me feels that his apology was honest and sincere.....

Jin still wasn't home so I decided to text him saying I would be going out to take a fresh air.... I really wanted to walk plus I finished all my homework during school... plus it was a nice evening and it seems to be good.

I put on a sweatshirt and jeans along with some high top converse I also bring my earphone music is what I love. Even though I have friends like bambam and yugyeom I wanna know what it's like ro have a friend at school and not just becuz of my looks..... I wish things would be different.... it doesn't feel nice being lonely at times but u also get peace and quiet or at least now I do...

But still I'd like to have someone to rely on when I need him or her.... as I'm walking i see a couple kissing being happy holding hands.... I smile but then it slowly fades off my face.... I've never had a girlfriend.... I've never kissed someone.... for sake. I haven't even holded hands with anyone.....I've never known what my sexuality actually is becuz I.... have never dated anyone to actually know...

How sad is my life..... I feel empty even after this change but why? Maybe becuz I want more friends? I don't know  maybe becuz our parents aren't here that much idk..... yugyeom and bam have taken a bit of the lonely away they make me laugh but I don't know .....

And I don't know why I can't help but let a tear escape my eyes...idk what's wrong I've been happy why am I now sad again? Did that scene cause me too much? I know I should give things time but...idk..... after everything that's happened I can't seem to believe life will change.

I shake it off and keep walking cleaning my tears I rmeber that I'm a new jungkook things are still difficult but I hope and pray it will be better. I feel a light tap on my shoulder with a sudden hey that I recognize and I see it's jimin but why?

"Hey....I'm not stalking you I even have bags of grocery store to prove it.... why are you alone I thought ur older brother would be with you?" he says and I look at him in disbelief

"Well he wasn't home yet and I needed to take a breather and just u know walk around for while, I don't understand this whole day you been so nice to me even after the explanation I can't seem to wonder why?" I ask and he takes a breath nodding

"You have a lot to learn from me. I just when I saw how beaten up you were I felt guilt and regret.... I don't know why I decided to be a bully when that's the thing I least wanted ever since I experienced something.... but look I'm sorry for how I acted..." he says and I just kinda laugh at it

"You and them hurt me so much Jimin well, you did a bit less but still every insult was pain just like every blow! It feels so awful being humiliated and all! anyway don't you think it doesn't hurt Jimin? Don't you think it feel horrible to have people hate you and hurt you for no good damn reason becuz you didn't do anything to them! Well it does and trust me the pain mentally and physically is just.... just... a.... nightmare a nightmare u and ur friends made me go through."

"Look jungkook I just wanna make piece with u is that hate to ask? I'll promise to not insult you or call you names from now on alright? I swear it's the truth! I mean we have to be together some days being mean with eachother Won't make it work I know your hurt even if you act tough now I'm sincerely sorry and I'd like to move on and be nice?let me prove myself!" he says and I can see in his eyes he isn't lying or faking any of it as in the moment.  "Do you  really mean it? Then yes but I swear jimin if u do anything bad to me again you will get to know my bad side.... but for now I don't wanna hold a grudge so yes...."I say that and he smiles at me.

"Great! I promise I won't let u down now about the partner thing mr jaebum sent an email saying we have to create our own dance to a song or write one and we have to cover at least one song.... I love dancing and I wanna know when we can start..."

Well I know a studio that we can go to tomorrow if you like? I think I'm in good condition to dance once more and here's my number!" I say writing it a he takes it. As we are walking jimin and I actually are communicating I'm only being easy on him becuz he was one of the people that he's hurt and insulted me but it was really rare when it happened.... and idk why I just couldn't hold a grudge against jimin.

Later on I left helping jimin a bit until  I got home and I saw bam and yugyeom wishing for me who knows in what. "So jungkook ah I'd like for u to come with us bowling tonight!! All the hyungs are coming and we wanted to invite you and jin! What do you say?! Let's have fun!'they say and the idea doesn't seem bad as I agree and I see him coming out already with his outfit.

No ones POV
"Wow really this is a huge place I've never  been heee before yah woah!" Jin says as he is shovels jungkook can't help but laugh

"Hey jin we are in public don't make me feel embarrassed of you please! I already have to deal enough with you!" Jungkook says and jin gets offended while everyone else starts laughing. "Ahh this is funny I feel like jin and Jackson have the same personality almost! That's what Jackson does anything little he starts getting sensitive!"Jinyoung mentions and like Jin, Jackson is offended.

"Listen yo brat! I'm not sensitive I act at risks plus I'm really comfortable around u guys I mean we share a dorm for God's sake!" Jackson says with annoyance just going out to order food for what it seems.

"Aish That hyung I swear I'll never understand him and stuff it just wow... ahh it's so hard dealing with little kids!" Yugyeom says and the other are taken back and jungkook starts laughing so they end up laughing together. "Your  such an evil kid I swear! Your the kid your the youngest one even with jungkook cuz his birthday is in September but urs is in November! So don't give that crap! We are ur hyungs Alright!" Mark says

"I can feel your pain guys jungkook does the same as well Ahh really it's just it gets on ur nerve honestly but you end up loving their personality in he end!" Jin says putting an arm around Jungkook as they smile. The boys began bowling and having fun with jungkook surprisingly being good at it along with bam and yugyoem

"So tell me guys how did you all become friends and really close in order for you guys to actually be living together?"jin asks them since he doesn't know

"Ahh that's the thing so you see a few of us are foreigners here in Korea bam is Thai Jackson is from Hong Kong and Mark is Korean but born in LA it mostly started in middle school bam was Thai but he told us he moved to Korea when he was six for his fathers job just like Jackson came here early Mark barely came in when it was middle school so we got put together for something and we all were lonely so as time passes by we became really close and the gap difference wasn't a concern for us! So our parents saw our brotherhood and we ended up moving together it's tough but we feel less lonely like this!" JB speaks as jin and jungkook get touched by the story

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