Ch 6| Small truth

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I came in from home to see jungkooks face looking a bit bruised up and I know this time it wasn't him being in Pe I can also see a tiny bit of puffy eyes on him

"Jungkookie what happen I want somewhat the truth now why is your cheek kinda bruised up?"I ask and he looks at me a bit down

"I accidently bumped into someone and the person ended up hitting me and tripping me but that was it don't worry I told the teacher it's all fine it just hurts a bit...."he says and I look at him I can see he feels down... winter vacation is coming up maybe I can try to get him out of that state really soon!

"Jungkook that's a bit of bullying if this keeps happening to starts to happen again please tell someone don't stay quiet! I love you and I don't want anything happen to you I know mom and dad wouldn't want too either!"I tell him and he nods

Today was a somewhat stressful day at college I had to do lots of translations in English and I'm glad our parents put us on lessons when younger.... when jungkooks in school I'm always thinking how he is what going on in school he says it's fine but like I said before u don't really think he's saying the truth but I know if I ask he still won't tell me no matter how much I pressure him to do so.....

"I see your working really hard I know that vacation is really soon but I have to somehow let u have a free day how bout if tomorrow you rest here and we watch movies and idk do something fun once more?"I ask and his face lightens up a bit smiling since tmrw is Friday...

"Please hyung? I promise that I'll go to school on Monday as long as ur hang out with me tomorrow I really just wanna stay home and all I don't feel like going out as much...."

'That's fine jungkookie don't you worry becuz that's fine by me! Now I brought home black beans noodles he favorite go ahead and eat them!' I say and we both start eating

I actually really well like hanging with you these moments jungkook they do mean a lot to me ever since he was being I've been very fond of him I rmeber when he was born I was so happy to get a brother.... I called him kookie making my parents decide on naming him jeon junhkook.... he was the cutest baby I've ever seen if I'm being all honest with you.... his cheeks his big doe eyes u can't help but adore him maybe we are the only ones who think that way but it's fine becuz ur family's opinion is more important then to strangers or people u may not know

The next day jungkook felt nice not having to wake up for school and having jin stay and do his studies on the computer he so far felt today was an actual good day becuz he also had the weekend no bullying for at least 3 days and he couldn't be happier this way

"Alright kookie having a nice time spending the day with ur favorite hyung that's number one and may I say world wide handsome?"he says trying to make the younger laugh which he did

"Omg yes hyung! I swear and look don't think so highly of your self ok?"he says and jin just rolls his eyes at his brothers comment

"Next week I'll meet up with ken! Maybe u wanna come with us and all jungkookie he really wants to see you!"jin says mentioning one of his friends

"Yes that would be cool and all I really do want to hang out with both hyungs!"jungkook speaks being happy

Short chapter I know but the next ones will be longer

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