Ch 8| I'll help

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    The pain of seeing jungkook like that is really wow I don't even have words for it becuz I feel bad for him, seeing him in pain is something I don't like yes we fight and argue like Normal brothers would do but him telling me the whole story and all it broke my heart..... I would have defended him some way or another! He's my brother and I'm the end we are the same blood I can't leave him like that he's not a burden he's not worthless and it also breaks me seeing him believe those words form other people.....

He's so young and so afraid I can tell but he needs to show people that he's strong I know my kookie is strong enough..... so I just let him sob on me he cried for at least two hours I would say until he fell asleep crying I then looked at him and his poor faces messed up his cheek was red and a bit bruise not to mention his lip was a bit siwllen from the bottom.

  It brought me to tears  thinking it all back once more.... I hate seeing him like this I wish his bullies would change their ways....but I'll help him become stronger.

  As he sleep I put him well in bed I go get the first aide kit and I apply some cream on his bruises as well as clean his lip a bit the cream should let the swelling go down I take off his unfitting I see red and a bit of bruises so I apply it there's and I know he will wake up in pain so I'll give him some pain killers I then put a cover on him and even though it's really early I let him sleep I sigh and go.

The guys are now talking and jimin hasn't spoken the whole time as well as hoseok

  "He for sure didn't tell the principal it was us because he knew what we would do..." namjoon says as they started talking about the conversation they had as the principal informed a bit to a few classes on jungkook.

"Look we better be a bit more careful now on how we hurt him I can't believe he said it all had to do with PE! She just warned and moved on....!" taehyung says

   "The point is when he comes back we obviously have to tell him not to mention anything we need our fun!"yoongi says half lying what's he's saying

  "Jimin what's your view on this? You and hobi have been awfully quiet!"

  "Look I kinda do feel bad I mean if we e ver hurt him to the extent of sending him to the hospital I'm not in for that I don't wanna get expelled or anything becuz Look I can insult him but I don't feel like hurting him physically anymore!" jimin says shocking everyone

  " I honestjy feel when he comes back we should be tough but most importantly we should apologize a bit I mean he was in crucial pain! I'm not in his side but I'm also not on u guys side!i don't wanna get expires either...." hoseok tells

  "Fine we will apologize we admit it was too far but that doesn't mean we will become friendly alright? Anyways let's just move on winter break if almsot here and all of us will be a bit separyed so let's just go to the movies right now." namjoon says all agree

  Jimin can't help but to feel a bit bad and guilty over jungkook...... he's starting to rmeber that he used to be like jungkook.... now he became the one to do stuff he would be scared off.... he will apologize and he will be sincere even if it means leaving his pride aside

  Jungkook woke up the next day feeling a bit of pain but going down to the living room holding his stomach a bit due to the pain jin smiles seeing him

  "Well looks like the bunny woke up! Hear ur swelling went away for a bit! I'll apply more cream later! Take these pain killers u need them..."jin says jungkook smiles at him taking it

  "Once you recover you and I will be heading to the gym! Get u more muscles u I know already have a bit define arms but more and possibly some abs as well! U want a change don't u?'jin Asked

   'Ofc I do.... I'm tired of being weak hyung.... also thanks for everything....'he smiles at him this time it was a sincere one

  'Yah stop being cheesy alright? Once ur in the gym and all we will change ur look cut ur hair since it's a bit below ur top of the ears and u will be wearing ur new uniform!'jin says

  'New uniform really no more jackets and all!'he asks Jin only shakes his head to sign no

   'Today jungkook it will be a new start to everything alright? No more getting bullying no more hiding things form me either understood?'jin Asked jungkook nods

A/n- Chapter done I've written 4 chapters so far I'll try and publish two in. A few hours that way u guys can enjoy!

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