Ch 16|A group

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Jungkook POV

Today I woke up feeling tired yesterday when we went to the arcade we used a lot of our energy making me fall asleep earlier than usual.... I got up and got dressed in my uniform I went down and see my mom has made me breakfast jin and my dad were eating....that scene was amazing it's been so long that I haven't eaten with them this way.... we would always eat together when we were younger but because of their jobs we rarely seem anymore

" kookie here's your breakfast I served you eggs, pancakes, and  orange juice!" she says to me kissing my forehead as I smile and say good morning to Jin and my dad, I sit down and begin to eat my delicious meal. "So did you guys have fun in the arcade yesterday Jungkook and Jin? That boy Jimin he really is a nice boy! I'm glad your friends with him he doesn't make fun of you and all right?"my dad asks I panic but they can't know he was one of them so I deny it.

"Well I'm glad today I'll drive you guys to school and know I really missed u boys even with out jobs we still love you guys and want the best for you... I'm sorry we barely hang a lot but we will try little by little." his mom says as they eat while jin and jungkook smile and look at each other. "So Jungkook anything new that your doing in school or anything, how about you Jin?!"my father asks us I let jin answer first and me second. "Well jaebum is my music teacher umm we are doing this thing we get grouped up in trio or duo and counts for a grade he says the reason for it is amazing he would tell us today my group so far is jimin and this amazing dancer names hoseok.... but there's still a lot to finish on...." I say and they nod at me after a while my dad drives us to school and I leave seeing jimin waiting for me.

"Hello umm jaebum talked to me saying today he would making a decision and explains to us the whole thing of groups!"he says and I nod while I'm walking in both jimin and I get tripped by namjoon and taehyung while I see yoongi and hobi leaving. "Alright what's ur problem namjoon! Why the fuck would you trip us are you trying to get back at me by humiliating me?!" Jimin says angrily as he gets up helping me.

"Since you decided to betray us and be with him I'm  sure we would also see your weakness.."taehyung gives with a glare. "Don't forget what I talked about with you last time taehyung.... or to yoou want me to tell everyone what the past had? And you, I'm not scared of you guys can't, you just leave us alone? If you really want Jimin back in your group you would have done things differently! Not hurting him!" I say close to both of their faces and walk off as I hear jimin cursing at them and walking next to me... entering JB class as the bell has rung everyone gets in.

"Alright class so you guys did amazing with the dances a few days ago, now I'm here to tell you why I put you in groups and what the next assignment will be this time we did dancing now I wanna test your singing or rapping skills but I'll see it this way by well first of all... the reason I made this project so to speak is because in the end of the year about three weeks before you guys leave or move on to the next grade you will be performing in front of the school in a amazing place my lil brothers gave me this idea they will be moving to the school next year! Yes jungkook I know your happy!" he says as I won't deny I really want them in the school.

"So point is I decided I'm going to  make you a whole group  of 5 to 8 you will still be a trios and duos you will have different performances one with your small really small group the other alone.... and lastly with ur group you will have to make 4 songs cover them or produce and create them as I know a lot of you have skills in that... I even decided ur teams can't change them" he says as we nod. He call each group until I hear jimin and my name

"This group will consist of seven Jungkook, Jimin,Taehyung,Namjoon, Yoongi, and hoseok! Yes I know that's six but Jungkook you can say your brother is in the team as well he's willing to help." he says and jimin and I can see the others look in disbelief as I am right now. I can see them talking to jaebum but he say they fail and don't graduate. "I go with jimin .. now that class is over..."

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