Ch 10| New me

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After 4 days jungkook had to go back to school he will admit he's actually really nervous of what may come he got up put his new uniform that has a white button shirt and black tie and high tops he styles his hair he remember when he was beaten up a year escapes his eyes

After 4 days jungkook had to go back to school he will admit he's actually really nervous of what may come he got up put his new uniform that has a white button shirt and black tie and high tops he styles his hair he remember when he was beaten up...

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If people want to see how much he has changed he will he wanted to cover up his tiny bruise on the lip but decided not to

With the members they honestly were ready to go back to school the members don't know if they will or won't see jungkook some really wanna have fun but jimin just wants ro apologize to him

As they walk in the school they are talking about weird stuff and all since it's still a bit early for them. Jungkook gets dropped off by jin he's really nervous and jin Can see it in his eyes.

"Don't be nervous kookie go show everyone that the jungkook they knew is gone a new jungkook was born strong confident no one can underestimate him! Show everyone ur not weak ur not a burden! I know your nervous but u can do it and if someone bullied you again tell me please... don't hide anymore...."Jin speaks with encouragement and Jungkook smiles

"Thanks hyung I'm still nervous but not as much as before so thank you I appreciate all u done ur te what brother and I promise I won't hide anything anymore!" he says jungkook fist bumps him and gets out the car taking a deep breath walking.

"The uniforms are better than the old ones honestly I like them a lot! And guys where's jungkook we haven't seen him..." Yoongi talks others agree

'I guys can do whatever you want but I just wanna apologize and that's all I'm tired of all this crap already!!" Jimin days a bit moody since he needed more sleep.

" I wonder if he will come in more weak do u think he still had bruises from us? I missed him in the sense of having fun!'Taehyung says. Then, Jungkook walks in all eyes on him he just passed by everyone whispering thinking it's a new student he keeps a straight face until he reaches his locker and opens it.

"Who tf is he? Is this a new student? Wait Ima go find out!"Taehyung says yoongi follows him they close his locker. "Hello but Umm sorry about that but who are you? Are you like a new student or something?"taehyung asks. "I'm not a new student, I'm no other than Jeon Jungkook the looser you guys bullied last year u what proof just look at my lip..... I'm not here to tolerate you shit again with ur friends! Now if you mind asshole I have to head to class!" He says as taehyung and yoongi are shocked seeing it's actually jungkook after he leaves the others come and see that the guys are shocked.

'Hey taehyung yoongi you guys are ok? Looks like you guys saw a ghost or something?!" Jimin says and tae stops his shocked face as well as yoongi!

"What happened to that guy?! That time of voice he will pay for it one of these days!'taehyung says now realizing what jungkook told him. "That guy is no other than jeon jungkook the bruise on his lip proves it all his voice is less timid he seems a bit more masculine he changed!'yoongi says shaking his head all the others look at him widen eyes.

"That's jungkook?! Woah he looks completely like a different person with no glasses and strawberry blonde hair and did he get piercings? What happened to him?"Jimin asks as he is shocked as well. The bell then rings and they all go to class taehyung enters and see jungkook helping the teacher every girl looks at jungkook blushing he ignored them after everyone is done jungkook goes and takes his seat.

" Ms. Kim? Aren't u going to introduce the new student? I mean we've never seen him before and he just sat st the looser desk.... did jungkook finally leave the school?!" the girl says raising her hand smiling.

" Respect ur classmte sungmi! Jungkook is not a looser and he's very much in the school that guy sitting right their isn't a new student that's jungkook!am I right mr jeon?"the teacher asks. "Yes I'm still the same Jungkook that everyone humiliated and hurt let's just say u changed some of my ways! Trying to feel less of a burden!'he says confidently not looking at anyone!", he talks and everyone gets shock and start whispering taehyung is behind him he goes to his ear.

"You May have changed you may have shocked us.... but a change doesn't tell if your weak or not i bet you still are those words u will pay for them jungkook!" he says and jungkook smirks. "I'm no longer weak. I thought u would call me by my real name.... try me asshole! I won't be the stupid kid I was that let everyone hurt him! Be glad I didn't tell the principal what u did!" he says. Jungkook finally felt confident he was a bit scared at first but never showed it he was going to show everyone to not make fun of him anymore..... after a few classes.

It was time for the new elective jungkook would have which is music arts where they would sing and dance to things. There was a seating chart and everyone from the group was in that class with jungkook you can say the tension was their.

As jimin day besides jungkook he just sighs and jungkook doesn't pay attention...the teacher wasn't their yet until someone appears. " Welcome guys! I'm ur teacher lol jae bum! I'm young in fact I'm a college student so this is more of a style but I'm more then qualified to be ur teacher!" he says entering jungkook eye widen to see him.

"Oh jungkookie! Yes I'm a teacher how nice I'll have someone to talk to at times then!'he says jungkook smiles as they fist bump eachother. "You know him?" Jimin asks and Jungkook nods his head not being mean or nice but not talking.

" So in this class I'll see how you guys do! And u will be paired up with the partner next to you for a project at the end of the year and then I'll add to it but that's not necessary right now I wanna know about you guys and what makes u guys have a passion for music!" he says and all agree.
As class finished jabeum asks jungkook to stay with him

" Well when it Said jungkook didn't know it was you kookie! Yes your shocked right? Well I'm just trying it out but yea I can also watch you out !'he says jungkook laughs. "Hyung it's fine I'm ok! I don't like my partner but it's whatever I'm glad ur my teacher,and tell bambam and yugyeom that I won that game battle!"he says leaving and Jimin stops him. "May I speak to you.... please? I no u don't wish to talk to me but I do I won't insult you if that ur asking neither do my friends no I'm doing this..." jimin speaks looking at the child.

A/n - Did u guys like how jungkook went back to school? Idk I was a-bit doubtful of this chapter but I hope u guys like it

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