Ch 18| The talk part 2

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"That I Really felt was sincere from you yoongi.... let me give you my point of view whenever Jungkook got home he would say it was all for PE or that it was all him who fell.... I tried to believe it and at times I actually did, but that day he came in pain it was the most painful thing for me as a brother to hear and see him the way that he was... he cried to me saying he feels like a burden that he shouldn't have me that he's worthless, as a brother that hurts to have your younger sibling think that way. What if it was your sibling or family member telling you that? Wouldn't you feel sadness? Let's say your parents said your a burden and worthless that would hurt wouldn't it? Well those words hurt him if it wasn't for me he would have killed himself and you along with everyone else in the school would be the cause of it but thank god he didn't! Thanks to Jungkook is right you don't need to apologize, but you do have to analyze your mistakes." He says. He finally said everything, this made taehyung and namjoon think. It actually made everyone feel bad...

  "I need a breather I'll be back..." Jungkook says going out alone to see the view of the outside, there was so much tension in the room he didn't like it. After a few mins someone approached him. "It's a nice view isn't it? Look Jungkook I know I've said many hurtful thing to you and I was so caught up I didn't see that I was actually jealous of you. I mean your really smart kid and all, I'm not usually the person to hurt someone and I'm sorry that I did. I may be cold but my heart isn't I know you have been through a lot I know your tired of hearing see me acting cold is way of me hiding my true self.... I may not show it but I am insecure about who I am at times and how I look. I don't pay much attention to it...but there comes occasions when I do." he starts as Jungkook looks at him silently.

"My childhood is was a bit family was somehow poor, but with time we got parents have never liked the idea as much of music. But when I do it...I feel free and happy... I express myself.... people called me short in elementary I wish I'd be tall like you but I'm not.I have so many imperfections.... I guess it all made me this way... so I'm sorry." he says putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I know it's going to be hard to trust me and all I will accept it but I'm willing to move on from the past and fix my reverts guilt and mistakes... you have so much should be surprise I never share things or say things like that but somehow with you I wanted too... do you accept my apology?" Yoongi says after his whole sincere speech towards him Jungkook smiles nodding looking at him. "I accept your apology." he says and Yoongi smiles really big.

"Why don't we go back in we have to work in the assignment!"he says as jungkook nods walking back with him. "Let's just move on topics shall we? Let's just get this assignment over with... who's getting what positions?" Jungkook asks as they all nod and start talking. "honestly feel one by one should sing and rap....I'll go first!" hobi says getting his song ready while rapping he also starts dancing.

"Alright now that hobi danced its my tune I'll be singing Adele and dancing to a JB song alright?"Taehyung says getting up to starts and as he finished everyone claps for him even Jungkook. Each took their turn until Jungkook was left.... he breathed and got up... to connect his phone to the Bluetooth speaker and starts singing a bit and then to rap as the other suggests it and dance.

As jungkook is singing with emotions everyone can help but like it and find his voice really soothing and beautiful... they swing their heads a bit and lip sync it and once he stopped the rooms was silent for a moment until they clapped....

"Woah Jungkook your voice is really beautiful and soothing.... I personally like that you even show emotions by your breath look idk how that's possible but wow..."Jhope says. "Really it sounds amazing honestly umm what positions do you guys want?" Yoongi asks. "I will only be a vocalist and that's all please! I don't think I'm ready for big parts .... give it to someone else." Tae speaks trying to in a way say Jungkook

"How about jimin can be a lead vocal and Jungkook will be the main vocal and will sub rap at times don't fight it jungkook ur amazing..."Yoongi says as he nods, Jimin putting his arm around Jungkook.

"Namjoon was good at rapping maybe you all should be a main rapper and less rappers which would be hobi and yoongi!'jin says and namjoon looks at him nodding. "Then it's all settled now we need to start working on songs and what type we have to do plus choreography." Jimin mentions. "I have some music already planned as well as lyrics that yoongi and I composed you can come to my studio Saturday and we can try doing something you may come too Jungkook! You too Jin!" Namjoon says politely looking at both as they nod

"Great well it's Been fun hanging with you guys I wanna go home to my couch goodbye!"Yoongi speaks leaving as the others chuckle after a while taehyung and namjoon says goodbye to Jungkook and Jin leaving Jimin who took a while.

"I'll drive you home jimin!" Jin says, Jimin nods moving away to go downstairs as they get in the car Jimin is tired like Jungkook. "Jimin aren't they your friends aren't you gonna forgive them and all?" Jin asks while driving. "I forgive some not all of them you til namjoon and taehyung formally apologize to Jungkook I'm not accepting anything they need to see it I know slowly they will..."

"Yea right the tension was really big in there... ahh but maybe like my dad says things change idk.... I don't hold a grudge I'm not like that... I've said it multiple times idc if I'm saying it now... plus I'm used or not getting apologies really it doesn't matter to me anymore. " Jungkook talks while looking at the window Jin just nods

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