Ch 11| Arguement

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"You want to talk to me? Are you sure you won't insult me Park jimin? Did my looks want you to do that for me?"he says sighing not wanting to hear it. "I know you and I don't get along, but either way we have to find a way to get along we are sadly partners in this project jeon I know what I did I know what my intentions have been trust me that's why I'm here to swallow my pride and say I'm sorry for everything I done especially that thing where we left you like that I ran off once I pulled he backpack.... I don't need to explain why I just hates what I saw it's hard to believe I know but all I want is a forgiveness..."Jimin talks looking at the younger well and how much he actually has changed.

"I don't know if this is a prank or not but just because i don't hold grudges I accept ur apology that doesn't mean I feel like ur playing with me..... your gonna have ro show me that u truly mean ur apology, and yea I know we have ro woke on a project together....." Jungkook says confidently but calm towards the older.

"I know it seems like I'm playing I'm not and you want me to show you? Then I will! I want a good grade in this project I won't make you do my hw anymore I'll take my part in it as well...."Jimin says since it was lunch time no one was around so it was just them. "Fine....lets just do this as classmates I hope you keep your word Park jimin because or else u will see the side of me that neither you nor your friends have seen. We can start on the project later on this week we have enough time eitherway!"Jungkook says jimin nods then leaving after he tells the younger something

Jungkook is then end up alone he doesn't want anymore attention so he goes by the tree that he's always at. He then sits down takes out his notebook and begins drawing he then decides to listen to Music so he bring out his earphone and just does both thing at once.


"Jiminie where were you we have been waiting for you and all!"Jhope says grabbing Jimins from the shoulders hugging him Jimin smiles. "I did what I needed to do I apologized to jungkook. Hee forgave me but said he would need evidence to see my forgiveness is sincere it sucks I have to work with him but whatever..."Jimin says as he began eating namjoon just smirks.

"You know I feel like actually insulting him or hurting him for what he said to taehyung! I want to test how strong he actually is, or if it's all just a lie and that change doesn't mean anything!" Naamjoon says planning what he can do.

"Maybe we should go right now I'm actually really pissed about it! It feels so strange having him talking back to us! In fact it feels I'm talking to another person and not actually Jungkook!" Taehyung says frustrated. "Oh please taehyung it's his first day give him a break your going to end up in trouble like that!"Jimin says.

"Are you defending him jimin?! I thought you were on our side! Can't believe talking to him made u like this!?" Taehyung says in disbelief he's causing Jimin to get angry. "Yea jimin it feels like your defending him that way! We are your friends!" Namjoon says getting up with rage.

"Look namjoon I don't want to keep being a bully to a guy that hasn't done any harm to us if you don't think about do as you please but I don't want any part of it! I'm not defending him I'm just stating the truth! Plus I can do whatever the duck I want you guys can tell me what to do I don't wanna get in trouble because I hurt someone just for pleasure or just because I don't like that person!"Jimin says yelling a bit since he was angry at the comments being made.

"Do you hear yourself jimin?! Please not defending him my ass!! What made you this soft? Your defending him we can see it right through you! He has done stuff! And what he said earlier wasn't pleasant to My ears!" Taehyung tele trying to keep his anger. " I was always my self Kim taehyung! I bet what he told you wasn't as bad I bet he for once was actually defending himself! Don't believe me you asshole I don't give a fuck! Thinking about it why did we even bully him in the first place! You all have helped me, but honestly you too have been picked on if I remind you guys! I don't wanna keep being a mean person like people were to me! That just being hypocrites!" Jimin says even more angrier taehyung slaps him and jimin kicks his knees turning into a mini fight.

"Fight me backs again you bitch?! You know what I don't wanna deal with this anymore it's been the whole conversation the whole break on it! Im out assholes, call me when you have come to your senses an have apologized and I mean all of you even you Yoongi!" Jimin says getting his backpack throwing away his trash and walking away from them.

Jimin knew people liked him but they would all be his friends because he's popular but now he knew a real friend he didn't have he was angry at what his friends says he didn't like being lonely.... but he too knew the feeling well and he knew jungkook would feel this way as well good thing the bell rang he only went to his class

After school jimin knew jungkook schedule so he waited for him which shocked the younger a lot. "I know I'm shocking u but I need to have some communication with you for this music project I'd like your number...." Jimin says jungkook is held back once more Then jungkook sees the people who bullied him pass by and say something to jimin.

"We won't be the ones asking for forgiveness Jimin you will! We are hypocrites?! Well look at you?!'Taehyung yells. "Oh and you don't think that what u said earlier hasn't slipped my mind! You may have changed but let's see how well you fight looser!" taehyung says pushing him hard jungkook grabs him by the collar strongly pushing him to the wall with a big impact. "You feel that? Yea that pain something  your shitty friends did! Try me I swear taehyung! I could reveal many things about you as you have made fun of me all these years!"Jungkook says shocking everyone around namjoon tries taking his hands off only gaining a lunch in the face.

"I'm tired of your fucking insults! I'm tired of fucking being bullied!"he says adjusting his infirm well and brushing his shoulders Namjoon just hold his jaw. "You and him will pay for this jimin!" Namjoon says walking away with the gang as well as taehyung. "What happened here? Why are your shitty friend mad at you? Is this some kind of act?" Jungkook asks a bit angry

"Fuck no! Let's just say my friends and I didn't have a nice argument it came to the point where I had to punch taehyung! I rather have no friends then people who hold grudges here's my number instead!" he says leaving as jungkook juts nods leaving.Jaebum catches with jungkook patting him in the back

"Jungkookie Jin says he will be a bit late today so I'll drive you home and all! So how was your day back? Don't you have any friends?" he says walking with jungkook to the teachers parking lot.

"No not really I don't have much friends here JB but it was good actually I was finally calm today at school..... how about you how was like being a teacher?!"Jungkook says excitedly getting into his car as jb puts his stuff in the back seat and then sitting at the front. "Ahh it's actually fun I must say but I'm a teacher for this semester to see if I want be a teacher or try something new but the students seemed ok and all! I'm glad your In my class!i know u will do good things! If the school works out we may put yugyeom and bamie I'm here and all!" he says lightening jungkooks mood with the comment made.

"That actually would be pretty cool I won't have both gyeomie and bamie ahh we would be unstoppable!" he says after they laugh along and talk during their ride until they get home and jungkook goes to his room.

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