Ch 7| Tired of it all

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It's been the weekend to day the guys were really curious why jungkook Didnt show up to class jimin more specially thought on it while shaking it offf they thought he was possibly just trying to hide from them

Jungkook was actually happy spending time with jin over The Weekend he also loved that by Thursday winter vacation for a month will start he feels that he really need a break from school the bullies and the homework to say jungkook wasn't too happy about going back but what can he do? Just go is all he can he will try hard today no matter what happens

He got up put his uniform and gets dropped up once more by jin who would have college classes by home in his computer since he was feeling lazy

As soon as jungkook entered people like always started laughing at him and showing signs of disgust

"He's finally back! You know I didn't even notice that shut left no wonder the school seemed to have a better vibe!'a girl says to his boyfriend while jungkook hears from everyone criticizing him and he just sighs

As he walks into the classroom he gets pulled by collar slammed in the wall by taehyung

'Idk where u been hiding urself these day rat but if it's to not get beaten by us u made the hugest mistake pal!ur lucky it's just me right now!'he tells the young releasing he grip and letting go once jungkook enters names are once more added and this time almost everyone tries tripping him not only that but kicking him as wel

Just for being gone a few days he already felt this day being worse than the others he just got back up trying not to get angry or sad but feeling really scared of what may happen....

After the three periods it was time for recess where jungkook was able to find a place and hide but the members seem to find him

'Where's or homework rat! U not coming doesn't mean u aren't gonna do our stuff!'taehyung says while the others come in

'I was sick really I couldn't do u homework! Either way why can't u two do it? It's honestly really simple unless u guys don't think ur capable enough!'jungkook says a bit fighting back the other look at him shocked for fighting back making all of them angry eoxeckt hoseok

Jimin grabs his backpack harshly kicking his back a bit for what he heard while taehyung immediately started punching him in the face

'Not capable enough! Really disgusting nerd! U have no say in what we do! WE ROLD U MILLION OF TIMES IF U SAID ANYTHING BACK U WOULD GET IT GOOD!'he says punching him one more time making him kneel down the pain when namjoon starts punching him in the stomach

'You little piece of shit! How dare u say that to them! U have no rights what so ever to say that! So strong u think u are huh!'he kicked him he cries out for them to stop but they don't jungkook in bigger pain than every before that's when jimin slaps him across the face he being in shock but after a that but jimin doesn't feel like hurting him anymore he looks at jungkook feeling the same emotion again and running away

'That's what u get! Ur brother must feel so bad to have burden like u disgusting rat!'tae and namjoon hell punching the kid hard after a few finals they leave him jungkook is crying and can't get up today was the worst beating than ever before

A teacher comes in and sees jungkook lying on the ground with pain she helps him up and takes him to the nurse not asking who it was and also meant getting a call to jin

Jungkook POV

The pain was too much I can't bare to get hit one more time this year or anymore in my life.... they did the biggest insultes and beating today's towards me everything hurts I'm in emotions and physical pain

Why can't I defend myself? Why can't I fight back! What did I do wrong?! On the way home jin looks at me and he lays me on my bed a bit

'Why didn't u tell me u were still getting bullied jungkook?! Do u know how badly he hurt bruises everywhere ur lip is a bit swollen ur cheek not to say either who bullied u and why did they do it! I could have defended you! Why did u have to keep it from me don't u trust me jungkook?'jin asks a bit serious but worry and I starts crying again

'I didn't wanna worry u hyung u do so much for me..... I'm possibly a burden like people say for you.... I didn't want for u to worry so much about me I'm already enough to handle..... I didn't want too but hyung I'm tired of everything! I wanna change I don't wanna be in pain anymore I wanna be strong and show I'm not weak I'm not a burden I'm not a disgust I'm sorry hyung I just.... hate myself.... I'm so worthless...' I tell him honestjy I Then start crying more harder and louder he caresses my hair

'Kookie u will never ever be a burden to me I do all the hints for you becuz ur my brother and I love you jungkook! Ur not worthless ur not ugly either! I would have preferred u telling me my duty is to protect you and I love doing that!'he says and I try sitting up in my bed

'Ur beautiful kookie ur not ugly ur smart! But I get it tell em all you feel I can see u hiding ur pain but with me let it out.... I promise to help you recover this whole winter so when u come back ur new as ever yea? Just please jungkook I love you ur my brother we fight but that doesn't mean I hate you! Ur not worthless!'he says with a few tears and that moment I let my pain take over

He's right I can't handle it anymore I start sobbing he hugs me i hug him tightly even with the pain in my body and I cry and cry.... I'm so tired of it all.....

A/n there's still more to the story but would u guys like a sequel of this once I finish it? And if so would u want me to put the sequel here or make a seperate book for it? Would u also like relationships in the sequel? If so boyxgirl or boyxboy? U guys tell me what u want if there's no sequel then I'll just end it once this book is done which isn't time for it yet that's all hope u guys had a good day or night!

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