Ch 13| Dancing

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    It was another day for everyone even at school everyone was already in jaebum class they were going over songs and the feels so music afterwards it was lunch jimin didn't want to bother the younger so he sat alone somewhere else eating looking at his phone until someone approached him. "May I sit with you or will I get a punched for asking if I can?"as those words were said Jimin looked up from his phone to see Jungkook he smiled shaking his head.

   "It's fine, honestly do you have any better place we can have lunch I don't know peaceful it's bit noisy." Jimin says. Jungkook nods his head taking jimin to the beautiful tree place. "Welcome to my lunch area I usually come here whenever I need peace if not here thee library..." he says, Jimin looks around remembering the place for when he heard Jungkook singing he nods sitting down.

  "It really is beautiful huh? Almost a bit garden like do teachers know u come here?"

  'Yea in matter of fact they do students are allowed but almost no one knows about it I discovered it on my own..."he says sitting down next to jimin beginning to eat. "I'd like to get to know you so if u don't mind sharing some information about yourself, I know little I know you have a brother!" he says Jungkook nods. "I'm the youngest Jeon, in the family my birthday is in September 1st I'm 17 years old.... my parents are not poor but not too wealthy just right I like to sing and dance I have a few friends that I met over break but I talk at times I spend time with my brother jin who's  3  years older than me I'm a junior I'm supposed to be another level but they skipped me a grade and yea....there's not much to me that's why no one likes me possibly." he says laughing at his remark and then shaking his head

  "Oh I'm one year old then you then I'm 18 but I'll be 19 In October 13 I have a little brother named Park jihyun he's your age umm I'm popular I have friends but honestly before high school my friend were little and like my popularity.... I like singing and dancing as well.... you really have never been friends with anyone besides the ones you have at home?"

   "Haha yes I have but it doesn't matter anymore that person Hates my guys even though I did no shit to that kid! Thought he be my friend till the end and he just ended up making my life miserable..."he says and jimin is now curious because he's somehow speaking of someone from his friends. "Taehyung.... we used to be friends back in the 7th grade, he was really happy and all! Until people started making fun of me.... and so he left he didn't wanna be made fun of more than that so he ignored me wasn't mean but ignored him.... we used to have so much fun... he was my only friend back then.... then he started bullying me with u guys... calls me names.... still does no matter what... lying ass bitch told me he'd be my friends like brothers he lied.... but it doesn't matter to me anymore honestly." Jungkook talks shocking Jimin and that they both are friends

  Jimin wondered why taehyung never told him this was he that ashamed of jungkook? Or was he scared of being made fun of by his peers. "Well taehyung never told us that he was ur friends wow... and he supposedly tells us everything then again popularity has gone through their head it went to mine but at least I'm back." Jimin says eating leaning his head back a bit on to the  tree

  Jungkook started drawing as usual becuz that also helped him feel relax and calm after music and dance to say he felt weird being with someone at lunch. "You like to draw? What are u drawing?"

  "Oh yea besides singing and dancing I like drawing it helps me a lot and I guess I have skill on it right now I'm just drawing the place." he says pointing at it while jimin is surprised over the amazing drawing giving him props on it.Somehow jungkook actually likes feeling company by someone at school all he wants is that he has been so tired of feeling alone even if he has changed his personality and looks he still feels sad that he doesn't have someone to rely on during school he just wants to be normal like everyone else....


"Alright everyone here's your hw assignment for the day tomorrow I wanna see how well your dance with your partner is, by that I mean before I switch any pairs I want to notice how well you can get along while dancing! This will also make me see what students feel passionate for it not to mention u will also be doing one solo song... afterthat if I don't switch you then ur good!" Jaebum speaks as the class wines a bit and nods.

   "Looks like we have to practice today now huh? Maybe we should head their afterschool?"Jungkook asks.

"Yea ima go home and all and then we can head to the studio you told me and all!" Jimin says agreeing with him. Afterschool they got together wearing more dance practice outfits jimin likes how big the place was for dancing and it has a nice mirror and floors, they were choosing a song. "How about we try this dance choreography for own it? Shouldn't be too hard now really... then we can criticize each other on our different dances I actually recorded a song for mine namjoon has a studio and I managed to make the lyrics while he produced it so I have it on my phone..."he says taking it out.

   "Really how cool? I've recorded one song I didn't make the lyrics one of my neighbors helped me and since they have a type of recording their I did it during winter break and I was able to come up with moves but also get a choreographer which is one of them... so I guess we all know what song don't we?"

   "Yea we do we should practice but we have to warm up and stretch first before doing anything at all..." Jimin says getting up already warming up alongside Jungkook. Jimin loved how much effort Jungkook was putting and the footwork as well plus his voice was nice which jimin liked as he finished jimin clapped with a smile

   "That was really good jungkook ah I think ur a good dancer and singer I underestimated you a lot... well I should get going I got a text from my mom how she needs help..." Jimin says jungkook nodding grabbing his stuff to get out. "Well jungkook it was nice dancing I can't wait for tomorrow have a nice night!" Jimin says and Jungkook smiles doing the same. "As to u too hyung!" Jungkook says leaving.Jungkook was walking home until someone pushed him against the wall

A/n sorry for the late update I was busy anyways who do u think pushed jungkook against the wall? I'll be sure to update again in 6 hours or less

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