Ch 19| Another apology?

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Long chapter ahead of u guys so it's just a warning but I hope u like it!

Jungkook POV

After hearing yoongis words I won't lie I felt a bit better with his sincere apology I know namjoon and taehyung won't apologize and if they do it will long from now....I have went to their studio to practice namjoon somehow has been nice to me but taehyung hasn't talked to me at all which why? He can just be mean that won't make me mad unless he takes it far... it's all messed up and awkward and I hope it all goes away soon...

Your wondering what about school? Well jimin still hang with me no matter what which I don't get if he's already somehow in a good friendships once more but he says he prefers being with me more at times yoongi or hoseok will join us sometimes it just us.... I'm not alone which is what I like the most because I finally know how it feels to have a friend...

"Hey yo! Jungkook!"I hear and gets a snap as I turn to yugyeom. "What were you so deep in thoughts off I swear I've never seen you like this is anything bothering you?"

"Ahh no I was just thinking about the whole project I have... if you were in my school things would be easier it be fun to have almost all you guys in it...."I say smiling he smiles back. "Same but next year I'll definitely for sure go or your school we are elarwasy enrolled even if it for one year I still think it be good to spend time with you and meet a few of ur friends." he says putting an arm around me we treat eachother like twins so it's done.

"That honestly yes.... though I don't have many friends really my only actual friend at the moment is jimin the others aren't at that level yet maybe they are getting close but not their unlike you guys who are like my best friends!"I say he smile while laughing a bit.

"Yep you understand me let's say I get scolded because I tease and play around with my hyungs a lot... ahh really I'm the youngest one there so nothing I can really do but since I'm the baby might as well act almost like one!" he says and I start laughing.

I only act that way with Jin at times a bit with jimin he doesn't mind it and says it's cute but I still can feel embarrassed by it...

After chatting for almost 2 hours with him outside we decide to go inside his house honestly I've never seen it inside but never hurts ro see what their daily lives look like

As I walk in I see Jackson trying not to fall I guess they are playing hide and seek but the one where you are blindfolded yugyeom goes and teases all who are blinded and I try to hold in my laughter that honestly looks like fun... after a while they catch Jackson making him scream as they all see me they come and approach me

"Hey jungkook! Your here man finally yugyeom decided to bring you in wanna play with us? It's hide and seek it's really fun! Come on don't be shy! Your like one of us in a way you will have fun!"Jackson says.

"Yea come on jungkookie we are ur friends yes we are older but come on!" jinyoung says as I sigh in defeat and play with them.

"Ok so you guys hide the one in is bambam and he is pretty quick so you can try moving around but it's not too safe." Mark tells me and I start

We played the games and I can't help but laugh and play with them because it was actually really funny I had so much fun in the end they really are like a family to eachother as much as I'm happy to be with them and I feel really comfortable I feel them seven is enough I don't feel left out don't get me wrong...they actually involve me in everything but it's them I wish I had my group of hyungs or same age as me who did this... Ahh one can hope

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