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I wake and immediately feel energy within me. A full nights rest has done me well.

I grab a towel and make my way to the showering areas.

It feels nice to scrub myself and allow the water to run down my body. I allow myself to calm and relax in here.

I was alone and safe and refreshed. I take a deep breath and shut off the shower and step out into the chilly room. Grabbing my towel, I dry myself slowly, regarding myself in the mirror. I had lost weight, quite obviously since the last time I could remember seeing myself in a mirror. My ribs were showing more than I liked, and my hips jutted out at a scary angle. Although, I had also gained some muscle definition in my arms and legs. 

I look down at myself, looking at my skin when I see something different. 

A small crescent shaped scar was placed on my inner hip, it had a silvery look to it. It was completely healed but the deepness of the cut was evident. Whatever had happened to me was a serious injury and yet I have no recollection of it happening. 

I shrug it off and grab my towel.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

By the time all the boys are up, I am showered, dressed in some newly washed clothes from the school's lost and found and cooking pancakes with a few ingredients from the Food Technology rooms. They all welcome the food which is now a luxury.

We eat inside much preferring the cool air to the blazing heat outside. "What's the date today?" I ask.

Alex leans over and pulls a calendar from the teachers desk, he counts along all the days and then, finally replies "18th April 2027."

I give a small chuckle and receive weird looks. "It's my 18th birthday tomorrow" I say.

They all look at me "That's gotta suck." Solomon says.

I shrug my shoulders "Birthdays were never a big thing in my family. Christmas was the main event of the year." I say unfazed.

Slowly, we finish our breakfast and they begin to stand and leave but I motion for them to stay. 

"What are we doing?" I ask. 

They exchange glances and I receieve some shrugs and confused looks in response. 

"It's chaos out there, probably the end of the world, who knows? And we're here, safe. We need food, water, supplies, we need to keep safe. As far as I can tell, we're sitting ducks, just waiting to die," I reply.

Solomon flinches slightly at my words and I realise this may be somewhat of a sensitive area for everyone, the idea of death, the fact that we had been shielded from everything. For a moment, I regret what I say, but this had to be something we could discuss, is had to be something we were on top of. 

No one answers. "Do we have a working vehicle? Something for transport? Drivers?" I ask.

"We have one. The truck we used to listen for the radio. There was a spare set of keys in the glove compartment." Noah says.

"Who here can drive?" I ask. They all look at each other expecting someone else to raise their hand.

I let out a long sigh. "Okay. I guess I'll have to be driver. But be warned, I don't have a license or anything. I taught myself." I say with warning.

"The small and feeble Ophelia Clarke drives illegally." Jayden gasps.

I roll my eyes signalling for him to stop. "Look, I'll practice in the front for now but at some point you all need to have some idea. But we definitely need to get some food from somewhere, we can't live on flour." I say. 

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