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This is Marleys story starting from the break out to when Ophelia saves her. From her point of view.

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Marley's P.O.V.

I sit a the table with my legs crossed on my chair. I have my favourite pyjamas on. Victoria's Secret red silk bottoms and button up. It was soft and warm and amazing to sleep in. I got them for my fourteenth birthday, last August. Possibly one of the most expensive articles of clothing I owned. 

Kendrick is already gone for training and mom is getting ready to leave. It's Easter Break and I have a lot of studying to be doing today. Mom smiles at me as she gathers her things, ready to rush out the door. 

Suddenly, dad rushes in. He tells us both to pack essentials and that we're going to meet Kendrick at the training centre with his own supplies. Mom is begging to dad to explain but he refuses to waste time. He's too busy grabbing his old hiking gear and food from the cupboards. 

I freeze for a moment, watching them. My mind whirls as I assume the worst, reality seems to melt away. But then, I jump from my chair, and run to my bedroom to change and pack some clothes. I was old enough to know when to simply listen.

Nearly two hours later, we've picked up Kendrick and we're speeding along the road. And finally, Dad explained everything.

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It had been nearly nine months since the break out. I sit washing some clothes. Dad is meant to be teaching me how to use a knife later. It's a good thing, but I'm nervous. I don't want to be able to kill people. It's wrong. Dead or alive. 

I sit there for nearly an entire hour when I hear a scream. "They're here!" Mom screams. I jump up and glance out the window. She was being devoured by a group of them, still screaming, still alive, still able to feel the agony. 

I squeeze my eyes shut, unable to move until Kendrick begins dragging me along the porch and around the back. We meet dad there. Dad turns to leave. "But, Mom." I whimper.

He shakes his head. "It's too late." He says sadly. "We need to get out of here, come on, Pumpkin. Follow me." He says before jogging away.

We run forever. Stopping only when we are far enough away. It's strange. Even though this world was plenty dangerous and full of killing and death, I never thought anyone in my family would die. They were survivors. Warriors. But now mom as dead, meeting the same fate as so many other people. 

For a time, we felt immune to it. It felt as if it was simply a waiting game. The wait was over.

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After Mom's death we had a funeral. We didn't have her body, but that didn't matter. I assume there was none of it left. I think about her a lot. She was so strong, so smart, so quick. And yet she was the first of us to go. It's realising this that scares me. It doesn't matter who or what you are. How strong or smart you are. One way or another, at one point or other, you die. I had felt tiny compared to her,  it would be easy for me to go.

We haven't had a permanent camp since she was killed. That was back in January. It's July now. We just jumped from place to place. At first, it was freezing. Sleep was impossible with the freezing night air.

Afterwards, we wouldn't stay in one place for more than a few days. A few days maximum, and that was rare. Dad made sure of that. He didn't trust his own judgement anymore. There was no way of ensuring survival, no way of keeping everybody safe all the time, he had discovered that the hard way. 

My parents had been soul mates to me, perfect for each other, two puzzle pieces. Dad was different without her, emptier, lonelier, even with us there, it was not the same. His sadness affects me, makes it harder to think about everything.

We walk along silently, Kendrick is sharpening his knife. It makes me wince every time it makes the noise. I despise that noise. But Kendrick and I had behaved differently in the last year, as if all the chaos had triggered a small agreement between the two of us, we no longer argued like siblings over pointless things. It made situations more stressful, we had to work together, we were a team. 

Out of nowhere they jump at us. There's three of them I think. My dad screams at me to run and I do. I run about a hundred metres when I realise they're not following me. Either of them. I go back slowly, scared of the danger, scared of the possibilities. 

I approach the place they attacked us. I stop and make an audible gasp as I see three of them crouched over both my father's and my brothers bodies. Eating them. I stand completely shocked and un-moving. For a second, there are no thoughts that enter my mind, no emotion. Just shock. 

Both of them looked terrified, their eyes still wide open, both were luckily dead by now. The one comfort I had was knowing they weren't in pain anymore. 

I had no family. No one left. They were all dead. Somehow, in some cruel twist of fate, I was the last one left.

One of them realises my presence and starts approaching me. I'm snapped back to reality. I turn tail and run. I run and run but I'm so tired, I don't get far. I push myself to go further. I see a wooden structure attached to a tree. I make my way over and start climbing the rungs attached to the tree trunk. They just miss me clawing at my feet. I don't realise, but I'm screaming. Over and over. Staring down at them. 

Somewhere deep down, I realise I am in shock. Everything had become just a bit too much. Nevertheless, I scream until my throat is hoarse.

I get to the top and look down. They stand at the bottom clawing at empty air. Thirsty for my blood. Suddenly, a woman comes out of nowhere. She shoots forwards and slaughters all three with ease and grace.

I start climbing down and thanking her. She points her knife at me, still dripping with blood. "You with those settlers a few miles back? If you are, tell me now!" She demands.

Confused, I shake my head. "No. I'm not. I'm Marley." I say quietly.

She nods. "Ophelia. Weapons?" She asks. I shake my head again. Ophelia that's a strange name. Although, so is Marley.

"You mean to tell me that you've survived over fourteen months in an apocalypse with no weapons." She asks, incredulous.

 "It's not quite like that. I-we had weapons." I reply.

 "We?" She asks, calmly.

 I lower my head slightly "My family." I say. She seems to check all around her. "They're dead." I say quickly.

She nods. "Sorry kid. How old are you?" She asks.

 "Fifteen." I reply quickly.

"You live around here?" She asks. I shake my head again.

"We lived just outside London. My mum was a lawyer and my dad owned a camping shop. Lived with my brother, Kendrick, too. We were there when it happened. My parents climbed Everest years ago, they know how to survive outside and my brother was training to be a marine at the time. We made our way across the country. Had a camp for a while. We were overrun, my mum died. I got split up from my brother and my dad. Came back and they were dead. I ran away from the things and climbed up there." I explain.

She extends her hand for me to shake shake. "Sorry about your family. I've had people die too." She tries to comfort me. After pausing for a moment, I take it.

"Is that why you're alone?" I finally ask.

"You could say so, yeah." She says quietly.

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