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One morning, just as the sun is rising, Noah turns to me, sleepy and smiley, "You can go," he says. 

I lean back, confused, "What?" 

"You can go on the runs, take whoever wants to go with you, do your thing. I'm stupid to stand in your way, just be careful," he tells me. 

I furrow my brow, "but why now? What made you change your mind?" I question. 

He stops for a moment. "You. This can't be an arrangement where I tell you what to do and you listen, maybe with the others, but this is different. You're too strong-minded, we'll just butt heads an dend up hating each other. I trust you to be careful and make this place the best that it can be," he explains. 

I give him a huge smile and wrap my arms around him tightly, thanking him all the while. 

Over the next few weeks, we went on several runs. We visited a local garden centre that had been looted but many of the seeds were left alone, no one was really thinking long-term at times like these, having a permanent place like we did was probably very rare. We managed to find ways to grow lots of crops such as tomatoes, carrots, peppers and some fruits. Solomon was already working on a watering system for it. 

We collected some more food from nearby shops, taking everything we could find. We just had to bide our time until we could have some real harvests coming in, in the year to come. But with nine people it was hard to keep up with feeding everyone. But we were managing. We even managed to get two cows from a nearby field that Alex spotted back to the school. It was difficult and dangerous but they took to their new home quickly. 

Overall, for once, we're doing okay. We're stocked on food and water. Though, we're trying to find ways to collect our own water within the grounds. We've already planted plenty of seeds ready for next summer. We'll have fresh food next year and  the cows we got are producing milk, which means they are happy and healthy. According to Solomon, it is a male and a female, but none of us are farmers so we've decided to leave them and see if the female ever gets pregnant. If not, that's a problem for the future.

Stella and Terry have slowly been figuring out how to make butter and cheese from milk but haven't succeeded yet. Terry also managed to fix and wire up some of the electrical circuits. We have ways of heating the building now, and as Winter looms around the corner it was a real concern. He's also working on CCTV for the entire place and outside. So we can be ready for anything. Undead or otherwise. 

We would have technology, nothing like before, but real ways of keeping watch on the building, being protected an stocked. We have ways of living here safely and happily.

We also made time to make our way to our houses to recover personal items. Mark's house was ransacked and a lot of his stuff was taken or ruined. It was horrible. He was upset for a while, but I think he came to terms with it. I, myself, managed to retrieve several items of worth to me. I went to my mother's and grandmothers house alone. Sneaking out at night seemed like the only option instead of dragging everybody to all three houses. I got all the photo albums I could find and took them as well as my grandparents wedding rings.

Luckily, my mother inherited the house and just left it. Their home was just as it was before they died and I preferred it that way. I took anything I knew my grandparents valued. I wanted to keep it safe inside the school. Instead of out in the open, ready to steal. I've decided that if we have to leave in an emergency I'll leave everything in the closed off part of the attic, except for the wedding rings and several photos that consist of my family.

I also found several books I used to love (Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice, A Christmas Carol and To Kill A Mockingbird). I also took the memoir given out at my grandparents funeral, planned by my uncles. I often hum the closing song before I go to sleep.

Noah and I are closer than ever. Everyone except Jayden was thrilled for us. Ever since he found out, he's been distancing himself from us. Not talking, barely eating or drinking. I don't care what he's done to me, I'm worried about him.

Stella and I are good friends now. We share everything with each other. Although, I'm scared she'll replace Megan. So, I've not told her everything. There are some things that only Megan will know. So that whether she's dead or alive, she'll always be special to me, one of a kind. Stella and Terry are nearly dating. Nearly. The guys seem more oblivious than me.

It's October twentieth today. The time is flying and within months the world and nature has reversed. Animals roam the streets most of the time, although they are smart enough to hide from the monsters. Deer regularly walk along the street undisturbed, though the Roamers seem to like eating them more than us. The sky is clearer and the stars are visible. It's amazing, seeing the world the way it was before we ruined it. Things like overpopulation and pollution are no longer a worry. With less than tine percentages of the world left living on Earth, there's virtually no pollution and disruption. Eventually, all the monsters will shrivel up and die and we can take back the planet and ruin it again. I hope that's far in the future though. 

Early on, we had all had concerns over the possibility of society reclaiming the world from those who rampaged through it. We, as a race, are destructive and powerful and it seemed like a real possibility. But, as time has worn on, the likelihood has become minuscule. There are few people left and all the survivors fight and kill each other. There is no unity or real direction. Everyone is simply trying to save their own skin.

Everything we did now, was based on the assumption that society would never return to our normal in our lifetime, if ever. And strangely, that seemed just fine for us.

For once, I loved my life and the people in it. There's no drama or hatred or arguments. No homework and school or stress. When I wake up all I have to worry about is eating and looking after my home. I'm carefree and responsible at the same time and it's making me feel like I'm somewhat in control of my life. I'm not depressed or discouraged about the world or my future because right now all I care about is the present and mine and Noah's happiness. If the world were to end completely tomorrow, the it'd be okay because today was amazing.

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