Thirty Two

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All night I waited. There were a few more Roamer but I left them to bang against the bumper and the back window, they couldn't get in. I sat and waited. I stayed awake to make sure if he came, I was there to greet him. But he never did. At around four in the morning, a group of roamers attack the van. There were too many to kill, and I am forced to drive away. It ripped my heart out leaving the spot but I had no other option.

I had supplies. I have food and water in the back and the medical supplies I packed as well as the ones I collected in the supermarket were still in my bag. London is about thirty miles off. I drive about a mile and a half and pull over. At this point I try to get some sleep, at around six I fall asleep. Only to wake up again at six forty five.

I tend to my cut again and start eating something. Although I'm not all that hungry. I grab a bottle of water and down it. I haven't drunk anything since yesterday afternoon and I'm completely parched. I give Kay some and she's just as thirsty as me. I laugh as she tries to slurp the water.

I begin trying to figure out where I am. I decide to just turn around and go back to the school. I turn the car around and make my way back down the highway. As I start to approach the intersection I notice a few roamers gathered together. I get closer and closer and realise it's more than just a few, it's close to a whole herd. I'll most probably break the van trying to plough through it, and I can't risk that. I brake and spin the van around as quickly as possible. Luckily, I had a head start if I hadn't had spotted it, I would have died.

It will take ages to get to the next intersection. I speed along as fast possible and after about twenty minutes of driving I stop at the intersection. I check the time and the position of the sun and then exit the highway. I mark what direction I need to go and I take it. I try to stay on main roads. There's lots of twists and turns and it is hard to keep track of the direction I need to go in.

For the next few hours I try and try to find my way back but I find myself in the middle of nowhere. When it gets dark again I decide to stop and sleep. Everything looks different in the darkness and I won't knew whether I'm going in circles or not and I don't want to draw attention to myself by turning my headlights on. Kay and I settle in and I fall asleep easily with the lack of sleep.

I wake early like usual. Although it almost seven in the morning. I share another breakfast with Kay and then try to work everything out again. I remember the way I went from the intersection. I think about going back on the highway but the herd would have moved forward by now and I may just drive straight to my death. I retrace my tracks and end up at the side of the intersection next to the highway.

After that, I carefully make my way along. I drive at no more than five miles per hour as I make sure I don't lose my way again. I mark down some sort of map although I don't think it will help much. I doubt I'm making any progress at all but I keep going in the hopes that I am. I try not to think about Noah or what may have happened to him. I couldn't think about it. It was too painful. So I just keep driving.

Once again it gets dark and I don't know where I am, there's nothing that I recognise and I'm tired of being lost and alone. I pull up and fall asleep. Kay is a good companion but she's not human. More importantly she's not Noah.

Noah's P.O.V.

After Ophelia and I split, I went to straight to the highway. Although I came up on a different intersection. I pulled up into the huge road and began making my way down to the intersection that was miles down the road. But I never got there. A giant group of the Lost blocked my path, I couldn't go through them so I was forced to turn around.

I went back to the intersection and tried to go around. I didn't know the area like Ophelia, I didn't know how to get to the intersection that she was at. We should've planned for this. But we didn't, so we were unprepared and if you are unprepared you can't just expect it to go the right way. It's my fault. We should have planned for it, set out an exact route and back up routes. It's stupid to think about all of this now though.

For the whole day I drive and drive. Trying to find the intersection. But it's hopeless, in the end I simply pull over and go to sleep. At least she's got Kay to protect her this time.

Ophelia's P.O.V.

I wake surprisingly late. It's late morning by the time I'm up and ready which isn't like me. I've been gone several days now and it's horrible. I'm worried sick about Noah. And I haven't even cried about Claire yet, I suppose I was caught up in trying to survive and get out of situations that I forgot she was killed just days ago. My mind often wonders who killed her because it was obviously a human, but I don't let myself think about it too much.

I think I'm going in the right direction. The roads feel more familiar to me, I don't recognise them yet but I feel as though I've been on them before. As long as this feeling stays, I should find my way back quickly enough.

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