Forty Eight

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For the next few weeks I wander alone. I have no real meaning anymore. I don't see the point. Why make friends and start relationships when really all that will happen is one day they'll be selfishly taken away from you. Why do all these things just to start back at the beginning again? I'm meant to be alone, I know that now. So I'll just exist.

I was numb for so long. I didn't hunt or collect water. I just walked and slept occasionally. Being numb is a dangerous thing. You have virtually no perception of the outside world, you have reached a point where you don't even process the things around you. You don't care. And it was true, I didn't care.

Soon I was going thirsty, of course I didn't even realise. I was just walking and sleeping that I hadn't even registered that I hadn't drunk anything in two days nor the fact that I didn't actually have anything to drink.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I lean against the car to catch my breath and find myself sliding down the side of it. I don't remember getting there but suddenly I look up and I'm sitting on the ground. I'm so tired. That's all I can think. I'm tired. "Ophelia." I hear my name. My head snaps up and I see Noah.

"Noah." I say sadly. He motions me over and I use all of my remaining strength to push myself up and walk over to him.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Hopefully dying." I reply.

He seems to flinch. Or maybe I imagined it. "Please don't do this. Don't give up." He pleads.

I shake my head. " You can't boss me around. You're not even here! I want to die, okay? I'm destined to be alone and I can't live with that." I shout.

"Please." He says.

We stand and stare for a minute and then he opens his mouth to say something else. But this time it's not his voice. It doesn't belong to him, it's someone else's. "What's your name?" The rough voice asks. Noah begins to morph. His face changes and it is no longer familiar.

"Noah! Come back!" I scream. He continues to change. 

"Whats your name girl?" The voice is impatient now. 

Suddenly Noah isn't there and I'm still on the floor. I'm being pulled up by someone. It's a large man. "Your name?" He asks.

I look him dead in the eyes and say "Marley. My name's Marley St. Claire."

"Strange name." He grunts.

I smile sadly. "It means a lot to me." I reply.

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