Twenty One

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Ophelia's P.O.V.

For once, I had normal dreams. The random ones where you're just talking with friends or going to school. But also the amazing ones where you're fighting burglar and conquering the world with your allies and for just a moment as you live a life in the imagination, you feel as though you can rule the world, do things you never thought possible. Then you wake up. You roll over to switch your alarm off and go back to your everyday life of working, eating and sleeping. What I wouldn't give to wake up and go to school and see Megan and Laura.

My dream was strange yet comforting. I remember a book I read once. The Hunger Games. I remember reading the first one and realising there was a whole series and I read them and then I watched all the movies. And even though the characters stories were finished and there was nothing else to read or watch. I still felt inspired by them. Especially Katniss, for a while I actually used a bow. I taught myself long ago. Every few weeks I'd go camping alone, far away. I'd shoot birds and for a few days at a time I felt at peace with myself. After awhile I found it pointless to try to get away only to come back again.

In my dream I was shooting a bow. I felt empowered again, I felt free.

I woke to the sound of birds. I know before I've even glanced at my watch that it's early, even for me. With the dream fresh in my mind, I do something I had never done before, I scribble a not for Noah explaining where I am, what I'm doing and when I'll be back. I grab some precautionary items and leave. The sun's beginning to rise by the time I get to the gate. I leave the school for the first time in a couple of weeks, for the first time alone. 

I swing the gate open and leave, it's strange being outside. Walking along the road and not having to watch out for cars. I walk along the road for several miles, I don't want to have a surprise encounter with the herd. I pass my old house and enter Lakewood. A town about ten miles from the school. I check my watch and am happy to see it only took me about two to get here.

I glance around and find the street completely empty. I expected nothing less, Lakewood was a sparsely populated town and most inhabitants would've fled. But I take out my machete just in case. I enter some woods that I know, they are apart of a giant nature reserve and park, spanning miles. And from this side, it's just woods with roaming animals. Although, it's been several months and walkers have probably made their way in by now, survivors could also be camping out here now, either way, I had to be careful.

An hour later, I've successfully fashioned myself a bow and several arrows. I'm proud of myself. It's nice to be able to do something fun and productive. 

I creep through the woods, minding every step, paying attention for any sounds. I only encounter one Roamer it's legs are gone, I quickly kill it before moving on. As the time creeps on, I begin to collect myself and get ready to leave. In my bag I have nine birds of a matter of different species and size.

I was careful to map each turn I took in my mind to make sure I didn't get lost. Slowly, I begin retracing my steps thinking through every movement I take I make my way back. It's important I come back out on the same side, as I only ever went that way with my uncle, I don't know my way back from any other part.

I walk and I walk but it soon becomes apparent that I've made some sort of mistake. What should be less than a twenty minute walk to the edge of the trees, becomes much longer. As midday approaches and no road comes into sight, I know that I'm either very close or very far away from my destination.

I visualise my walk here. As the sun rose, it was on my right meaning that was the east, to the right. Because it's midday the sun is high above me and in no particular direction. I dig through my bag for my compass but soon realise I must've left it behind. At this point, panicking seems like a good option. But I ignore the lump in my throat and keep walking straight. I keep a strict eye on the sun and just keep walking.

My watch informs me that it is early afternoon. I decide not to panic yet, I had about two hours before sundown, I would have to walk in the dark to get home. As long as i was out of here by dark, I would be just fine. It would probably be smart to find a car to get home though. By now, the sun would be in the West and I glance at the sun one last time and begin working out my way home. Just walking straight is no longer an option. I'm getting nowhere. And as the Winter months begin to set in, it's darker earlier. It was early November , that means the sun sets as early as early as four. This is bad.

I realise that I've been going nearly the opposite way. I don't even know how I did that. The time is wearing on and I make a promise to myself that if I don't find my way out of here within the hour then I'll have to find shelter somehow for the night. Going the wrong way, it may take hours to reach just the road. Walkers are more active at night and I can't be out in the open on my own. I won't make it.

I don't want to use up too much of my energy so I travel at a light jog. Luckily, I was a good long distance runner so I can jog for as long as I want. After just over an hour of jogging I come to a road. Finally. I get out and take in my surroundings. It's the wrong road. My heart thumps in my ears and I want to slap myself.

I could see the sun over the horizon, I had about an hour of light left. Then, I would be in a whole lot more danger.

I know vaguely where I am, I'm nearly three miles away from where I entered the woods. That's means I'm nearly fourteen miles from the school. As the my watch ticks past three in the afternoon, I know I won't make it. I immediately start searching around for shelter. There are no buildings in sight, only several cars. I decide to light a small fire and cook a bird or two for dinner. I've already checked them for disease.

I choose a favourable car. A big black Land-rover with tinted windows. They won't be able to see me if they come past. And, who knows, maybe it runs. I light a small fire and cook the birds and stash everything in the car just as the sun begins to droop in the sky.

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