Me And My Daddy (Ch.31) She Got It Like That

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Paul's POV:

*Lou and I had fun yesterday. Well she had more fun. Today we're going for a walk with Meadow.*

*We're not spending the whole day together. Lou's gonna spend time with Cody and Caleb.*


Caleb's POV:

*Lou, Cody, and I are going fishing. We're right in the middle of fishing when Lou falls in the water.*

"GOD CODY GO IN AFTER HER!", I yell going off in the water since Cody's still standing there.

*I find her in about two, three seconds. I grab her and cover her nose. The water lifts us up and I get her back on the boat.*

"Okay that's enough fishing for today.", Cody says.

*I get back in the boat.*

"This is for not going in after her!", I tell Cody pushing him in the water.

*Cody falls in the water. He pops back up and gives me the middle finger.*

"I told you to go in after her.", I say.

*He gets back in the boat and I take off going back to shore.*

*I get Alyssa dried off, and put new clothes on her. Then I get out of my wet clothes and put clean clothes on. Cody does the same.*


Paul's POV's:

"Okay If all you're gonna do is fall in the water, she can just stay with me then.", I tell Cody and Caleb.

"It was an accident. Because of some idiot that stood up in the boat when she close to the edge.", Caleb says hitting Cody.

"Sorry Paul sorry Alyssa. It won't happen again.", Cody says.

"It better not. Now I know this was an accident but she can pneumonia from this if y'all don't get her out of it quick.", I tell them kissing Alyssa's forehead.

*Those boys better watch out for my daughter. I don't want her getting hurt. Alyssa starts coughing and sneezing. Oh no she's sick. Nice job Cody and Caleb. After they leave I check her temperature. She has 103.5. Now I have to take her to the doctor.*

*We arrive at the doctor's office and we sit for about thirty minutes waiting for her name to be called.*

"Alyssa Walker.", someone says. Finally!

*We walk through the door with the nurse. She tells Alyssa to get on the scale, so she does an she checks her pressure or whatever. After that she takes us to a room where Alyssa's gonna stay in and she tells us the doctor will be right with us. I shake my head knowing it'll be a few minutes.*

*We sit there for forty five minutes. I get up and I go ask the nurse where the doctor is. She says he had to run home because his daughter just got sick. I get mad and I walk back to Alyssa, I grab her and we leave to go to the other hospital.*

*I take her to Children's Hospital and they take us in right away. She's gonna have to stay over night, since her fevers gone up. So I sit beside her while they put her IV in. She looks at it and she winces in pain. I kiss her cheek and hold her hand telling her everything's gonna be alright.*

*We order dinner and we eat waiting for Meadow and Jasmine to get here. She looks weak, tired, and achy. I feel bad for my Princess. Alyssa falls asleep a few minutes before Jasmine and Meadow come in. They brought flowers, then another knock comes. It's the gang. I smile because they all came over to see how she was doing. Even Vin came with Michelle. They brought her a 'Get Well card' and balloons. That's so sweet of them. Jasmine stays with me for the whole night, because Meadow has to go to school tomorrow. Cody takes her home and I guess he stays with her so she won't be scared.*

*I'm looking at my daughter. She hasn't made any movements, she's breathing but she hasn't moved in over two hours. I get up and go ask the nurse to come in here and see what's wrong. She doesn't wake up, I feel myself getting pale and Jasmine looks at me because of how pale I am. I feel my whole body getting numb, tingly scared feeling like something's wrong.*

"Sir, ma'am you need to get out of this room right now.", the nurse says.

"What why?", I ask.

"Just because.", she says that and the machine's start beeping like crazy. I look over at Alyssa and she's pale, pale as a ghost. I shake my head no.*

"No I'm not leaving this room! I'm staying to make sure my daughter survives.", I tell the nurse.

"Sir, you need to!", she says pushing us out of the room.

*She pushes us out of the room. I slide down to the floor by the door curling up into a little ball. I can't have anything happen to my daughter. She's my little Princess.*

*The doctor comes in and I stop him.*

"What's going on, Dr Edmond's?", I ask him.

"Your daughter is very sick. She might or might not survive.", he tells me.

"You better be playing a prank on me! No wait you shouldn't. Please tell me she will survive?", I ask him.

"Sir. I don't know. Maybe.", he says going inside shutting the door behind him.

*She got it by going with Cody and Caleb. She got it like that.*

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