Me And My Daddy (Ch. 34) Meadow's Goodbye

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Meadow's POV:

*I've been in my room for days getting away from everybody, including Jasmine. I don't really like Jasmine right now. She still says mean things to me. So I've been in room for three days now.*

*Nobody's noticed, really not even Dad. He hasn't even asked where I was or how am I. He's been worried about Alyssa for three days. I know she was sick but they could at least pay attention to me for once. Cody, Caleb, Stephanie, Felicia, and Grandma and Grandpa's been the ones who pay attention to me.*

"Meadow you need to eat.", Cody says sitting on my bed.

"I'm not hungry.", I say.

"You haven't eaten in three days. Mead, you need to eat.", he says looking at me.

*I look at him then I turn my head away from him.*

"When you get hungry you can have this.", he says leaving the pizza beside me.

"I love you Meadow.", he says to me.

"I love you too, Uncle Cody.", I say and he leaves the room.


Cody's POV:

*Meadow's not eating, she's starving herself. I told Paul about it, he just shook his head no like he doesn't believe it. I told him again this morning. Same thing he shook his head no not believing it.*

"Paul she's starving herself! Go in there and tell her you love her. Go tell her to eat! Or your gonna be witnessed at a abusive father because she's not eating.", I tell him and he shakes his head no again.

"She knows I love her.", he says. That's it! I get up and I slam him against the wall yelling.


*He looks at me and laughs.*

"Quit playing with me Cody!", he says.

"I'm not playing!", I tell him.

*Caleb gets up and slams him against the wall again.*

"She's not eating! We're not playing! Go In there now!", Caleb tells him.

*Before Paul says anything you hear a bang. I shoot up the stairs and find Meadow laying on the ground.*

"PAUL GET IN HERE NOW CALL THE POLICE!", I yell heading to Meadow trying to stop the bleeding and trying to give her CPR.

"CALEB PAUL GET IN HERE NOW!", I yell again.

*They run in here while Stephanie calls the police.*

"What I'd tell you? Oh yeah exactly!", I say punching him in the face.

*He starts crying against the wall. The cops and ambulance come over I tell them what happened. Caleb puts Meadow on the ambulance's gurney. And they put her in the van and leave.*

*Caleb and I punch the heck out of Paul when they leave. We head to the hospital.*


Paul's POV:

*Oh my god what have I done. All this time I thought they were playing. I should've listened and told her I loved her and told her to eat. It's all my fault. I've been taking care of Alyssa for the past three days. Once I didn't even think of Meadow. Rebecca comes and she starts punching and kicking me.*

"I swear if she's dead you're gonna die!", she tells me.

*My gosh I wish I can go back thirty minutes ago and tell her I love her and tell her to eat. I'm so stupid!*

"Mr. Walker we got news.", Doctor Edmond's say.

*Rebecca looks at me like she's about to charge. I gulp. Please let her be alive lord please! Everybody's looking at me like there about to charge. I gulp again, I'm scared.*

"She's dead.", Doctor Edmond says and I get up and back up against the wall.

*Rebecca comes and grabs me handcuffing my hands and feet, then pulling me to the car.*

"I'm sorry! IM SORRY!", I yell.

*Tears start rolling down my cheeks as I try to get out of her grip. She lets go of me. Cody and Caleb come at me and beat me up. Stephanie and Felicia come out and tells them to stop. They don't stop. I'm crying I have tears rolling down my cheeks.*

"Please stop I DIDNT MEAN TOO! MY GOSH! I know I should've believed you guys I'm sorry. I'm sorry!", I say and they grab me by my legs and arms. They throw me on the ground and kick my legs.*

*I landed on my leg wrong. They start kicking my legs. Then I feel this sharp pain making me yell out. Jasmine runs to me yelling at them to get a gurney. I'm still yelling and crying at the same time.*

"Let him be!", Cody says as Felicia slaps him.

*Cody comes to me and kicks me right in the face. If I could move I'd kill him but I can't move!*

*Felicia comes back with a nurse and a gurney. They put me on the gurney and they roll me back in there. We roll passed Meadow's room.*

"Stop! Let me go in there!", I say as the nurse stops.

*I try to get down and walk. I fall but I manage to crawl in there. I go up to the bed and I grab Meadow's hand and I kiss it.*

"I'm sorry Meadow. I should've listened to you, payed attention to you. Told you to eat, I'm so sorry Meadow! Please come back and I promise I'll take care of both of you at the same time.", I say crying and grunting because of my leg.

"HA TRICKED YA!", Meadow says lifting up and I loose my balance falling to the ground.

*I look at her smiling and crying at the same time. But more likely in pain.*

"I'm sorry Meadow.", I tell her.

*She walks away from me and goes to Cody and asks if he will take care of her.*

"No I promise I can do this! It was hard because Alyssa got sick. I swear I can do this! Please Meadow!", I say crying and rubbing my leg.

"Fine you get one more chance with me.", she says smiling.

"I would smile too but I kinda can't because of my leg. I NEED THE GURNEY!", I say as the nurses pick me up putting me back on the gurney taking me to get it fixed up.

*After my legs in a cast and I fill out the papers for one of us being here, we leave.*

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