Found my way

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-"Bro!" You got up with arms open to hug your best friend.

"Sis! Taehyung-ssi is here!" He avoided your hug.

"Don't care. You're my bestie and we don't see each other for weeks! Gimme a hug!" You hugged him and he laughed hugging you back.

He broke out the hug to take Taehyung out to his next appointment.

"Bye babe..." he pecked your lips fast.
"Bye Tae" You giggled blushing.

"Just marry already" Your best friend, his security guy, joke leaving the room.


Everyday was a different rollercoaster of feelings when you were with Taehyung. Somehow he managed to keep you entertained at day....and specially at night.
He actually stopped seeing other girls after your first time, but you two never put this relationship official, after all he's an Idol, there's no way you two could just tell the whole world what was happening, plus you didn't want to lose that job!

It's been already 9 months since you entered Big Hit, you made some friends, you got super close to this guy.
He was one of BTS security guys, but he was such a sweet person!
Your friendship was strong since the first day you two met. You two liked the same things. You called him "bro" and he called you "sis".

At some drinking night you told him about Taehyung and he was shocked about it but happy! He supported you and helped you out many times when you needed to sneak out to meet Taehyung.
Such a good friend!!

-One day before present day-

"Bro...Its positive" you hold back your tears after opening the exam.
You've been having morning sickness and feeling dizzy for some days already, your bestie suggested you to try the pregnancy test, but you couldn't open it alone, then he went with you to some park and you both opened.

"Sis... You can't tell him!" He touched your shoulder.
You widen your eyes to him, you didn't think he would say that, but you let him explain after all he was your best friend so far!

"He will just throw you away! You think he would care about the baby? He has a whole career to keep!"
His words hit you like an arrow across your heart. Your years you once were holding started to fall.

"Aish dear... Hmmm maybe you should abort it. " he looked down your  belly.

"What are you even???" You gasped.

"Sis you won't be able to raise it alone!"

"Bro..would you leave me alone?" You sigh .

"What? You're asking me to leave?" His tone quite pissed.

"I need some time alone before we go back to work...please" Your head remain down.

"I should know you would discard me when I wouldn't agree with you. Be alone. Don't come after me when he throws you away like the trash you are." He shout on your face out loud.

People were all staring at you with a messy cry face as he just walked away.

"What....What Just happened?" You murmured confused as your tears didn't stop falling.

You finished your work pretty late this day, it was like the more you wanted to go home, the more it took time to end.
Finally now you were home, drinking some water and trying to cope everything that happened in less than 24 hours.

*text alert*
Bitch you took Taehyung from us! We're gonna find you! We're gonna kill you!!"

*text alert*

*text alert*
"YOU LOOK LIKE SHIT. How can they even put your face on the journal? I almost puke."

*text alert*

The adrenaline spreaded through your veins and with trembling hands you turn on the tv.
It was you.
Your face.
Your name.
Side by side with Taehyung's picture.
Pics of you two in intimate moments. Audios of you and him talking.
All of this, playing at the TV.

Your world just melted down.  Your mouth was dry, you had no actions. You froze .

The first thing you thought was:

I gotta leave.

(18+) unFORTUNATE -Kim Taehyung Where stories live. Discover now