Always Been You(Vikings:Ubbe Ragnarsson:Part 6){Modern Day}

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*Siv's pov*

Life has been grand..Hvitserk and Asta were married and welcomed twins Ake Ragnar and Dag Colden who were born 2 months after Brenna's September arrival and welcoming daughter Kari Aslaug 5 months ago..Ivar and Ingrid were married and have their sons Gunnar Egil and Hagen Tait and recently welcomed a 3rd son Cuyler Ubbe 3 months for Ubbe and I we had welcomed a second daughter ourselves Eydis Helga who had turned 2 during the summer..our biggest surprise made her arrival 3 weeks ago our 3rd daughter Signy Freja at this point we weren't planning anymore because of an awful miscarriage about 7 months after Edyis was born...but here she was beautiful and was Yol so naturally the Lothbrok mansion was beautifully chaotic with all the Lothbrok grandchildren...with Signy sleeping inside in a bassinet in the living room I bundled up with the monitor and stood on the porch watching my daughter's playing with their cousins, uncles, grandfathers, and father...I smiled as Brenna ran towards me "Oh no what's wrong?"

Brenna was in a fit of giggles "Mommy...daddy is a snow monster!."

I laughed as my 5 year old hid behind me "Be quiet my little dove"

Ubbe walked up with a smile "Now where is my little dove?"

I shrugged "I have no idea."

He leaned down pressing a kiss to my lips "And how is my beautiful wife?"

I smiled "Tired."

Ubbe pressed a finger to his lips then reached grabbing Brenna "Gotcha!"

Brenna squealed "Daddy!"

I laughed softly as Eydis came walking up pouting "What's wrong Bunny?"

Eydis pouted "I cold mommy."

I picked her up "Well I guess you're not a little snowbunny are you?"

She shook her head "No.."

I nodded "Ubbe don't keep her out much longer don't want her sick...I'm gonna go get this one warm and check on Signy."

Ubbe nodded "Alright."

I smiled "Do I get a kiss from my snow monsters?"

Brenna hugged my neck as she kissed my cheek "I love you mommy.'

I smiled "I love you too my little dove."

Ubbe grinned as he pressed a brief kiss to my lips "I love you more."

I smiled "I'm sure you do."

Eydis whined "Mommy.."

I nodded "I know mini Ragnar inside we're going."

He laughed "We'll be in shortly."

I nodded and took Eydis inside got her changed while she was helping her grandmothers I was tending to my daughter..I sat talking to Ingrid "So I hear Ivar wants to try for a girl.."

Ingrid nodded "The way he see it's Bjorn and Torvi have 4 sons..Hvitserk and Asta have 2 boys and a girl, you and Ubbe have 3 girls and we have 3 boys someone needs to even it out poor Brenna, Eydis, Kari, and Signy are so out numbered..13 grandkids and only 4 are girls."

I nodded "Well this little one wasn't planned at all we had just decided to not try for anymore when I found out I was pregnant...I was terrified that miscarriage took so much out of me..but everything went so smoothly with her we've been talking about trying for one more but we wegotta survive Brenna's first year of school and a newborn."

She nodded "I understand that I'm glad the boys aren't in school yet."

I smiled softly as Signy managed to snuggle her head against my throat "Its been pretty easy...Ubbe has been amazing getting her to school and Asta brings her home so I don't have to get Eydis and Signy out."

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