Chapter Five

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Jubilife City, the largest city in Sinnoh, as well as the most modernized of them all, was just as Gabe had imagined it would be. Complete with towering skyscrapers and busy streets, Jubilife City was truly a sight to behold. Scores of people were seen either rushing to their next obligation or sitting down to lunch. The sounds of honking horns, revving engines and shouts of irritation were all heard throughout the concrete jungle.

Wow... I'm in Jubilife City! Gabe thought excitedly, head on a swivel as he marveled at his surroundings.

Aside from all the distracting noise, Gabe could see several children battling it out in front of what looked to be the Trainer's School. Captivated by the scene, Gabe stood and watched, his eyes focused on the contenders.

"Brings back memories doesn't it?" said a familiar voice.

Gabe jumped a little and whipped his head towards Dawn, who had casually walked up beside him.

"Huh? Yeah, sure... memories," Gabe replied nervously, scratching the back of his head out of habit. 

"You know, it kinda surprised me... the way you battled I mean," Dawn began, a her lips creasing into a smile as she observed the battle with him.

"And why's that?" Gabe asked, his eyes focusing on one particular child who was battling with a Starly.

"You just seemed more focused than usual. Must be the excitement of using your own Pokémon instead of a school provided one huh?" Dawn replied, pulling away a few stray hairs as she continued to watch the two students battle in the schoolyard.

So that's how it worked huh? I guess I should have expected as much. Schools in the Pokémon world prepare the students for their journey. If I remember correctly, some schools don't even send them on a journey because passing their classes was the equivalent of earning the badges. But that's so boring!

"You alright there Barry?" Dawn asked, looking at her friend in a concerned manner.

"Yeah, sorry. I was a bit distracted is all," Gabe replied with a chuckle.

Dawn shook her head and giggled.

"Still the same as ever. I swear, you have a one-track mind," Dawn stated.

Gabe raised a brow. He couldn't exactly argue with her there. Barry, both in game and in the anime, had only one thing on his mind most of the time.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, Lucas wanted to meet up with us at Lickilicky's Smoothie Shop for some ice cream," Dawn chirped.

Well isn't that an appropriate name, Gabe mused. A smoothie does sound good right now, He smiled.

"Sure, let's go," Gabe said finally.

"Awesome! Come with me then. Knowing Lucas, he's probably already there," Dawn added as she began walking.

Gabe took one more look at the schoolyard before walking alongside Dawn through the streets of Jubilife City. After a few minutes, the two ended up at what appeared to be the shopping district of the city. Gabe and Dawn entered through the automatic double doors of the mall, and paused a brief moment to take in the scene. The mall was enormous.

Glancing around, Gabe took note that they had entered in through the food court, one of his favorite locations in the mall. He could smell burgers coming from Charby's as well as the wonderful scent of Krabby's Seafood Shack. As he looked around, he spotted Lickilicky's Smoothie Shop, and boy was it busy. And as Dawn had suspected, there was Lucas, sitting down at a table, enjoying his smoothie.

"Lucas!" Dawn called out, hurrying to meet her friend with Gabe in tow.

Lucas looked up and smiled as he saw Dawn and Gabe heading his way.

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