Chapter Eighteen

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Several hours had passed since his brief conversation with Cynthia, and Gabe still couldn't get what happened out of his mind. Still, none of it could be helped at this point. He had no idea as to the whereabouts of Team Galactic at the current moment, and even if he did, he was not prepared for what he would face should he run into any of the three commanders.

Gabe took a deep breath and looked down at the pathway below him. He was hovering over the bridge that led to the next route, and looking down over the side where he could see a path that led to a cave. Signaling for Tropius to land, the two descended and touched down under the bridge. Gabe hopped off and gave Tropius a few strokes on his head before returning him to his spherical home.

Adjusting his scarf, Gabe took the time to take out his badge case and look at the treasures he'd acquired so far. He ran his fingers over the smooth surface of each badge, admiring the patterns that each of them possessed.

I have two now, and if memory serves me right... Maylene is the next leader after Fantina. I'm not too concerned about Fantina since I have an advantage over a few on her team.  But Maylene... Her team is no pushover either. Especially that Lucario of hers...

Gabe crossed his arms and frowned.

Come to think of it, the only member of my team with a full advantage is Tropius. Psyduck is an option but his defenses are worrisome. I've got nothing for her Lucario. Maybe I can find something in here, Gabe thought as he began making his way inside the cave.

It was getting a bit windy and he needed a break from it. As he walked inside, he was unaware of the shadowy figures that had been observing him since he landed near the cave.

Upon entering the cave, Gabe took note of his surroundings. Very little light shone from the entrance and the path ahead of him was fairly dim. He could barely make out the pathway ahead of him. Reaching down to his belt, he unclipped Jamie's ball and sent her out.

Jamie emerged with a stretch and a yawn. Shaking off the stiffness in her body, she looked around at her environment and tilted her head. Why they were in a cave of all places, was anyone's guess. Her yellow eyes gleaned brightly in the dark, allowing her perfect vision.

"Hey Jamie, do you mind giving me some light? I want to explore here for a while, but my eyes can't see as good as yours can," Gabe explained.

With an affirming nod, Jamie concentrated on the element within her, and spread an electrical current along her entire body, causing her to tail star to light up like the star in the night sky. Azure light could be seen emanating from the rest of her frame due to the electricity she had produced. Gabe looked on in wide-eyed wonder at the spectacle. With a smile, Gabe knelt down and scratched her behind the ears before ruffling the fur on her head and walking forwards.

"Thank you Jamie, let's keep going. I want to do a little training before we get to our next gym," Gabe stated as he continued to walk.

Jamie gave a satisfied purr as she trekked alongside her trainer. Curiosity struck her as she glanced around at her surroundings. Stalagmites and stalactites littered the cave along their path. She could see multiple pathways the two could take. As Gabe and Jamie admired the cave, Jamie's ears twitched and her body began to glow a brighter azure color than before. A snarl rumbled in her throat.

Gabe stopped and took note of the behavior Jamie was exhibiting and raised a brow. What could be prompting her to act this way? He was about to address the situation when he heard a howl echo through the caves. His eyes popped as he heard growling from behind him. Whirling around, he was met with several pairs of angry eyes belonging to a pack of Houndour.

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