Chapter Nine

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Is this really happening? Gabe thought as he stared up at the structure that was the Oreburgh Gym.

The rocky structure was just outside of the city limits and had several sharp stones jutting out of the ground on either side of the entrance.

It's exactly how it is in the anime. This is so cool! Gabe thought excitedly as he drank in the sight before him.

"You ready for this, Barry? You look nervous," Lucas observed.

"Huh? Nervous, me? Pshh, no way! I'm excited!" Gabe replied enthusiastically.

"That's good. Just to warn you, Roark's really tough," Lucas cautioned. "So be ready for anything."

"Thanks for the tip. Now let's get this show on the road!" Gabe called back as he dashed inside.

Once inside, Gabe was greeted by the sight of a battlefield, complete with a rocky, boulder infested terrain. Bright lights hung from the ceiling, and both sides of the arena had a set of bleachers. Sitting on the bleachers was a young man in a judge's uniform, looking at his gear for messages.

"Roark, you here!? I'm here to challenge you!" Gabe called out in a loud voice.

For a moment, there was silence. But afterwards, a reply came in the form of the overhead lights brightening up the battlefield.

"Another challenger already huh? This day just keeps getting better," came a man's voice in reply.

The man in question wore a gray miners outfit complete with a pair of black boots and a red helmet. He had cordovan colored hair with eyes to match.

"Oh, Lucas, you're back huh? Is this your friend?" Roark asked, getting a nod from Lucas.

"Yeah, this is-"

"The name's Barry, and I'm here for the badge," Gabe proclaimed boldly.

Roark nodded.

"I had a feeling. Well, since you've declared your challenge, shall we get started?" Roark queried, inviting Gabe to the arena floor.

Gabe accepted the invitation and joined Roark. The two made their way to separate trainer boxes and turned to face each other. The judge set down his gear and stood up to head to the floor.

"Good luck Barry!" Lucas called to his friend from the stands.

Gabe turned his head towards Lucas and nodded before redirecting his attention to Roark.

This is it. An actual gym battle! Going against Roark is going to be so cool! Now the only question is, who do I send out first? Thought Gabe, cycling through his team in his mind.

The judge cleared his throat and addressed the two combatants.

"This is an official gym match between the Oreburgh City Gym Leader; Roark, and the challenger; Barry from Twinleaf Town! This will be a three on three matchup. Only the challenger will be allowed to substitute Pokémon. Barry will have the honor of the first move! Combatants, send out your first Pokémon!" Hollered the judge.

"Here we go! Geodude, come on out!" Roark commanded, releasing the Rock-type onto the battlefield.

"Duuude!" The sentient boulder cried as he burst onto the arena floor.

The floating Rock-type narrowed his eyes in concentration as he waited for his opposition to appear.

Gabe reached down to his belt and gripped the first ball on his belt and snapped it off. Priming it, he fired the ball onto the rocky terrain.

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