Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Looker adjusted himself in his seat and leaned forward, his eyes trained on the three individuals in front of him as he prepared to address them about his reason for being there.

"I'm certain the three of you are well aware of the recent happenings involving a radical organization by the name of Team Galactic, correct?" Looker began, his eyes shifting towards Gabe who was seated on the couch with Shaymin on his shoulder and Manaphy in his lap.

"Ah yes, those scoundrels. They attempted to steal Manaphy from us. Thankfully, Shaymin managed to assist it in fending them off. The very thought of Manaphy being in the clutches of such villains is appalling," Mr. Backlot grumbled, crossing his arms with a huff.

"Yes, that would be dreadful wouldn't it? Especially considering what these two are capable of doing," Looker inputted, stroking his chin as he spoke.

"Hmmm... Barry was it? How have you been? I believe the last time we spoke was in Jubilife City. I forgot to thank you for your assistance back there," Looker stated with a faint smile.

"You're welcome. I was happy to help," Gabe replied, gently running his hand along Shaymin's grassy frame.

"Speaking of that incident, I believe you may have encountered them again not too long after that didn't you? Floaroma Town if memory serves me right," Looker recalled.

"Uh... yeah, I did. My friends and I tried to stop them but we couldn't," Gabe admitted with a deep sigh.

"That may be true, however, you did manage to rescue the lead researcher in Floaroma Town. He and his daughter are very grateful to you," Looker informed him.

Remembering the girl who asked for their help, Gabe smiled, knowing that things were better for that family now. Still, there was the unsettling fact that Mega Evolution surfaced when it was previously unknown.

Was it always around? Come to think of it... Pokémon Origins was basically a retelling of Red's story, granted it wasn't exactly canon, Mr. Fuji gave Red the means for Mega Evolution. And in X and Y... it was hinted that Lucario was the first Mega Evolution. So is it possible that it's just been... hidden?

"Barry? is something the matter?" Monica asked with a slight frown.

"Huh? Oh... sorry, I sorta spaced out for a second there," Gabe laughed nervously.

"I suppose I should repeat my question then," Looker sighed. "What do you make of Mega Evolution. I believe that is the term the security cameras picked up from you and Mars."

There were cameras?

Gabe shook his head and took a deep breath.

"Well... if you saw footage of what it does, there's not much to tell," Gabe replied hesitantly. "Other than what you saw, I don't know anymore than you do..."

He was lying of course. Gabe knew better than to arouse any form of suspicion when it came to matters as delicate as this.

Revealing how much I actually know could be dangerous. And if Team Galactic found out I know literally almost everything about Mega Evolution, there wouldn't be much I could do to stop them from trying to get it out of me...

"So I see. Well, if you come across anymore information, it would be a big help to me and this investigation. Finding a way to counteract the power they currently possess is paramount. If it were possible to find out more, perhaps we could use that power to fight back," Looker muttered.

Gabe looked down at Manaphy for a moment and then over at Shaymin. Though small, they were still Legendaries. However, Mega Evolution in most cases, transcended the power of most non-mega evolving Legendary Pokémon. Gabe knew that Team Galactic would eventually succeed in their capture at the rate they were growing.

He thought of the Z-Ring and crystal he possessed. It wasn't Mega Evolution, but it definitely rivaled it. He just needed to evolve Hakamo-o and eventually Lairon so he could use an Aggronite if he found one. For now, it was all just wishful thinking on his part. He had something that they knew nothing about, and for Gabe, that was good enough. The less they knew, the better.

Gabe nodded in agreement. "I'll definitely do that. I understand how important all of this is. Team Galactic needs to be stopped..."

Yeah... I'm saying that now, yet just the other night I--no... I can't let that distract me right now!

Looker stroked his chin and smiled, seemingly satisfied with Gabe's answer. "I'll be sure to seek your friends out as well. With any luck, they might be able to help as well."

"I have no doubt about that," Gabe smirked. "They are always up for a challenge."

Looker nodded and stood up. "That gives me great comfort. Aside from Cynthia, it's good to know there are others I can count on. In any case, Mr. Backlot, I am going to be assigning some officers to be on night watch here. I apologise if this seems rather sudden, but we cannot afford to take any chances with the way things have been lately."

"I suppose it couldn't hurt. The more hands we have on deck, the easier it will be for us to keep these two safe," Mr. Backlot replied, nodding to Shaymin and Manaphy.

Monica looked over at the little hedgehog and giggled while watching Gabe stroke under its chin. Manaphy also seemed content where it was. It was almost surprising how easily they warmed up to Gabe. Then again, they weren't as timid as some Legendaries were.

"It's settled then. I will call for some tonight. Due to the gravity of this situation, I will assign several of my higher ranking officers to this case. That being said, I must be on my way," Looker announced as he made his way to the door.

"Thank you for stopping by Mr. Looker. We greatly appreciate this," Monica beamed, getting a grin from Looker in return.

"Thank you for your cooperation. I plan to investigate matters more thoroughly. Until then, have a nice day..."

Without another word, Looker exited the mansion. Gabe breathed a relieved sigh as the man left. The entire conversation had been as uncomfortable as could be. Then again, this hadn't been the first occasion he'd been put on the spot. Remembering the incident with Mars, he shook his head and pushed the thought to the back of his mind.

"Well that was a rather odd visit," Mr. Backlot murmured as Looker left the premises. "Whatever this Mega Evolution is, it sounds terrifying."

"In the wrong hands... it very much is. It's not something you'd want to face without being prepared. I know that now," Gabe sighed.

"Well, hopefully we won't have to see any of that now that Looker has this place under guard. Perhaps Team Galactic will be kept at bay for the time being."

"Still... as long as you have Manaphy and Shaymin here, they will definitely target this place again," Gabe reminded them.

Mr. Backlot and Monica had been observing Gabe for re duration of the time he had been with them. Seeing how comfortable both Shaymin and Manaphy were with Gabe, the two exchanged glances before smiling brightly at Gabe. Taking note of their expressions, Gabe grew rather nervous.

"Barry?" Mr. Backlot began, stroking his chin as he spoke. "We've a favor to ask of you..."

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