Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Gabe looked down at his gear and sighed inwardly. It was five til nine. Dawn and Lucas had already departed from Hearthome's Kitchen after the three had dinner together. Though they would never know this, it was probably more meaningful to him to sit with them than they would ever fully know.

He needed to feel more like he was part of this world instead of a cheap reincarnation of their friend. Knowing that's exactly what he was didn't help in the least. However, the pros far outweighed the cons when it came to his situation. At least he still had his memories. That was one thing he would always be thankful for.

Now if only this new body came with extra courage so he could knock on the door in front of him. Judging by the looks of the floor, the rooms were a tad more pricy than the rest. He looked up the price for certain rooms and nearly spat out his drink at dinner. Seven-hundred for a luxury suite was a ridiculous amount if money to pay for a room. He assumed that it was because of the ruins being close by and the tournament too.

Gabe glanced at his gear screen. It was nine in the dot. Putting it back in his pocket, he took a deep breath and raised his hand to the door, and just held it there for a moment.

Am I really going to do this? I mean... sure I was alone with her before but, this is a hotel room! I'm not prepared for this. I mean... what if...

Gabe shook his head vigorously at the thought that crossed his mind.

No! that won't happen. She has to open the door so she wouldn't be indecent if that were the case. That's it... benefit of the doubt. I'll just knock and hope for the best. Arceus help me...

Gabe knocked three times and waited. After a few moments, the door knob began to turn itself. What was only a few seconds felt like an eternity as the door was being opened. It wasn't long before he saw Jupiter standing in the doorway with her hair down, and wearing a large, purple pajama v-neck pajama shirt with Miss Glameow sewn onto the front of it in a crouching position. She was also wearing a pair of short pajama shorts as well, though they were not noticeable due to the length of the shirt.

Gabe had noticed it a little before, but this made him painfully aware of how nice her legs were. They were smooth looking and looked as though they were freshly shaved. He could smell the shampoo from her hair, an indication that she had showered not too long ago.

"My, my, you came," she smiled, glancing at her gear with a giggle. "On time too, no less. Come on in," she invited, sauntering into the room to take a seat on the bed.

The smell of popcorn wafted to his nostrils, something he didn't care to notice due to his temporary stupified state upon seeing Jupiter in her sleepwear. Having feared the worst, he was thankful she was somewhat modest, even if he could see some of her cleavage with the shirt she wore. The size she had was anyone guess, but it was enough to be noticed that's for certain.

Brushing the thoughts away, he entered her room and closed the door. As he got farther inside, he was surprised to see an assortment of manga on the bed, as well as a stack of romance novels in the side table.

"Please forgive the mess. I'm a bit tired after today's events," Jupiter said as she gestured to the spot beside her. "Make yourself at home."

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Gabe moved to sit next to her at the foot of the bed which faced a plasma screen.

"You can relax now Barry. You've been rather tense since you arrived," Jupiter laughed. "I'm not going to eat you or anything like that..."

How do I know that? Gabe thought, pulling at his collar to let some air in.

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