Chapter Twenty-One

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"And it's official people! The winner of the Hearthome City Pokémon Contest is Hailey!"

Gabe listened as the announcer prattled on about her narrow victory over her competition and watched as a woman in a purple dress with an accessory similar to the mouth of a Drifblim on the side, handed Hailey the ribbon. The woman's hair was violet, as were her eyes, and her skin was very fair. Gabe recognized her immediately as none other than Fantina herself. Her thick French accent was a dead giveaway.

"And there you have it folks! Today's contest is over. Congratulations to our winner, Hailey, and good luck to those of you who will enter next month's contest!"

The announcer signed off and the TV cut to a commercial. Gabe crossed his arms and began to mentally prepare himself to face Fantina. It certainly was not going to be an easy match, now that he thought of it. She had three fully evolved Pokémon and all of them were stupidly strong. Gabe considered himself fortunate to have caught Houndoom when he did.

He couldn't very well rely on Jamie for the entire battle. Crossing his arms, he closed his eyes and began to formulate a strategy for facing a Gym Leader of Fantina's caliber.

Let's see... she has a Gengar, a Drifblim and a Mismagius. All three are very dangerous. However... now that I have Houndoom, it shouldn't be too hard to pull out a win. Especially since one of her main strategies won't work on Houndoom...

"I've got this," Gabe said confidently to himself.

As he stood up, Gabe heard his gear ringing, and reached into his pocket to pull it out. It was Palmer. Taking a deep breath, he answered it.

"Hey dad," Gabe said casually.

"Barry my boy! How are you!?" Palmer responded enthusiastically.

"Oh you know, the usual. Won two gym badges and I'm going for my third," Gabe grinned.

"That'a boy son! Say, you'll be facing off against Fantina then won't you? I hear she's quite the strategist," Palmer replied.

"Is that a fact?" Gabe responded, feigning ignorance as he listened to his dad.

"That's right. But don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing that you can't handle, son," Palmer stated with a grin.

"You're probably right. I mean, I did learn from the best am I right?" Gabe stated calmly.

"Right you are! In any case, I called to see how you were doing and to see if you had signed up for the tournament yet. After all, it takes place this weekend," Palmer informed.

"I remember dad. And as a matter of fact, I signed up an hour ago. And you're not gonna believe this, but the tournament is a doubles style tournament! Though... we can't pick partners as it's decided for us in a randomized process. I think it's so it'll make things more interesting," Gabe added.

"That is surprising! Leave it to the Hearthome Tournament Committee to create such an event. You can be certain your mother and I will be there to see how much you've grown," Palmer said with a hint of pride in his voice.

"I'll make you proud dad," Gabe replied happily. "Just you wait and see, my partner, whoever that may be, and I, will win it all!"

"I have no doubt that you will rise to the occasion. Do you know when you will find out who you are paired with?" Palmer inquired curiously.

"We find out tomorrow so it will give us time to prepare," Gabe informed his father.

"Well, whoever they might be, I hope the two of you will work as a team. I know you are strong Barry, but just remember that strength alone doesn't win in a fight," Palmer advised his son.

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