Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Let's see... it just needs a few more adjustments," Charon mumbled to himself as he fussed over his current project.

As he diligently worked, he heard the lab doors open, giving pause to his project. Looking up, he was met with a stoic expression and a set of cold blue eyes.

"Ah, Master Cyrus, to what do I owe the honor?" Charon inquired, stepping aside as his boss approached his work station.

"You've been working overtime I see," Cyrus pointed out, ignoring the blatant flattery from Charon as he examined his handiwork.

"Indeed I have! After all, a bomb of this caliber needs to be constructed with care," came Charon's proud reply.

Cyrus nodded and ran his hand along the cold metal surface of the bomb. "And you're certain the detonation will be strong enough?"

"Will it be enough!?" Charon exclaimed, almost insulted at Cyrus's words. "The blast this will create will be enough to blast the water miles into the sky. The data shows the amount of force would be more than sufficient..."

Cyrus shifted his eyes to the other workstations as the scientists busier themselves with their projects. He could see construction of a few other devices he'd asked for was underway. This was good. As he had hoped, his plans were progressing smoothly.

"How are the other projects coming along? I trust the Mega Stones have all been identified?" Cyrus questioned his associate, getting an affirmative nod in reply.

"But of course! We've identified an Alakazamite for Commander Saturn to make use of. We even managed to find one for your Gyarados as per your request," Charon added with a grin.

Cyrus turned away from the bomb and faced Charon with a stern look.

"Excellent... have it brought by my office once you finish up here. And once that bomb is finished, we will proceed with its testing..."

"As you command Master Cyrus," was Charon's courteous response.

After Cyrus left the lab, Charon went back to work on the bomb he was creating.

"That went better than expected. He's sure to have noticed my genius by now. Maybe I will be given a more suitable rank to fit my intellect. Yes... one above the likes of even Jupiter. Why that woman gets to be so high up is beyond my understanding. It should be me!" Charon cackled.

Charon continued his egotistical rant, not caring that his colleagues were casting strange looks his way.

As Cyrus walked out of the lab, he turned to head down the long hallway towards the battle arena that was set up on the bottom floor. He could hear the sound of battling as his other three commanders engaged in combat. Stepping through the entryway he was met with the sight of a free for all bout.

He watched with an amused expression as all three of his commanders were playing with their Mega Evolutions. He observed as Kangaskhan was blasted back by a Focus Blast from Alakazam who in turn was greeted by the feeling of a massive red gem being slammed onto his forehead from a Shadow Sneak by Sableye, smashing him into the ground.

It was clear to Cyrus who held the advantage in terms of power. Alakazam was unmistakably the glass cannon of the three while Kangaskhan boasted more in terms of raw physical strength. However, as far as cunning and strategy were concerned, Sableye held all the cards giving the Darkness Pokémon the complete advantage over the other two.

Moments later, the battle came to a halt as it was merely a sparring session and not a serious fight. Saturn's Alakazam reverted back to his base form and was returned shortly after.

"So this is Mega Evolution... such power," Saturn stated, awestruck by how much stronger his ace had gotten.

"It's addicting isn't it? Having this kind of power... it does something to you nothing else can," Mars grinned.

Jupiter smirked at Mars' explanation.

"That much is evident. I had always wondered if there was potential beyond what was already known," Saturn mused.

"The universe is a vast place Commander Saturn," Cyrus inputted as he strolled onto the arena floor. "There are many unknown galaxies we have yet to explore. So we can never fully understand everything as we are constantly learning..."

"Well said Master Cyrus," concurred Jupiter.

Cyrus simply nodded and folded his arms.

"Let's move on to more important matters. I trust you all are prepared for your assignments that you've been given?" Cyrus inquired of his Commanders.

"We reviewed them prior to our current engagement. I assume since you are asking, that Charon is nearly finished with the prototype?" Jupiter pried.

"It is as you say. Charon is near completion and the bomb will be ready for testing once it has been fully inspected and deemed safe to move."

"And where will we test this prototype? There are few bodies of water big enough to contain the blast aside from the three lakes," Mars asked curiously.

Cyrus glanced over at Mars.

"We will test it in the Great Marsh. The expansive environment will be more than sufficient for this operation," Cyrus answered, looking down at his Pokétch with a frown. "If you three will excuse me, I have a meeting with a few new recruits. I will see you all tonight..."

Turning tail, Cyrus made for the exit, leaving his three top Commanders to their own devices. Making his way down the long hallway to his office, he slipped inside and shut the door behind him. Taking a deep breath, he made his way to the window behind his desk and threw back the blue curtains to get a glimpse of Veilstone City.

He could see its many inhabitants running to and fro, caught up in the same monotonous routine that everyone faced each day. Everyone rode the same emotional rollercoaster at some point in their lifetime. It was sickening.

"Emotions... spirit... both are unnecessary things that place us in bondage and do nothing but hinder us," Cyrus muttered as he stared out the window at the cloudy day.

"There can only be one solution... to rip spirit from this world and strip it of emotions. These weaknesses shall have no place in my new world..."

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