Chapter Fourteen

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Evening had fallen upon Eterna City, and the inhabitants thereof were finishing up a long day's work and heading home from their jobs. The local cafe was buzzing with activity as several locals stopped in for their evening coffee drink. Jupiter sat at a barstool on the far end of the counter, quietly reading a book entitled "Of Love And Lust." She wore a black dress suit with pink trimmings and a skirt that stopped above the knees. A chuckle escaped her lips as she read the final page of the chapter she was on.

"Well that's one way to spice things up," she muttered to herself.

"Of Love And Lust huh? Now there's a heavy book," the barista stated as she wiped down the counter.

Jupiter looked up to see a ginger barista with fair skin and freckles. Her hair was done up in a ponytail and she wore a black tank top with blue jeans and boots to match. She had a Seviper tattoo on her right arm as well.

"If you've read this, you certainly have great taste," Jupiter acknowledged. "Though most readers probably would consider the book incredibly sappy and overly dramatic," Jupiter replied.

The barista shrugged and picked up a dirty glass to clean.

"That may be true, but the romance is without a doubt second to none in terms of how it's written," she added. "Oh, and the more mature scenes are really vivid."

"I can't argue with that. This book captures romance in a better light than most trash out there these days. Take those bondage books for example. While some foreplay is healthy, the acts committed in those types of books is nauseating and downright vile," Jupiter replied.

"I'm with you there," the barista laughed. "Well, if you need anything, feel free to let me know," she smiled, turning to tend to other customers.

Jupiter nodded and returned to her book.

Heh, what I need, is to take a load off before this mission. The museum should be switching to its night watch very soon...

Jupiter stroked her chin as she continued her thought process.

Scoping that place out took a few days. They regularly switch their guards out during the day, so there is a small window of time to get in and do what needs to be done...

In that moment, the door to the café opened, and in walked Gabe. The blond sighed in relief as the warm air washed over him. It was a welcome change from the temperature outside. Upon seeing him, a smirk curved onto Jupiter's features.

Look what the Glameow brought in. Either this is coincidental, or Arceus answered my request for some amusement. I think it's about time I had some fun, she mused, standing up to make her way towards him.

It didn't take too long for his copper gaze to rise and meet her eyes, causing him to blink in surprise.

"What an unexpected surprise. It's been a while," Jupiter greeted him, stroking her chin while examining his expression. "Barry, right?"

"R-Right, how are you?" Gabe replied nervously.

"I'm doing well, thank you. I've just been passing the time after work," Jupiter said casually. "Care to join me?" She queried.

Gabe tilted his head at the invitation. A bead of nervous sweat trickled down the side of his face as he looked up into the vibrant eyes of Jupiter.

Huh... usually I can't talk to girls worth squat. And the only one who showed any interest in me was Jamie. I guess there are some perks to having this body after all, Gabe thought.

Mustering up the courage, Gabe managed to smile and nod as a sign of his accepting of her invitation.

"Sure, I can join you. I don't exactly have any plans beyond this anyway," Gabe replied. "Well... except sleep."

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