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After the wedding, Lucas had gone back to work for a week then booked off some time to stay in LA wih me. It had been like a dream. We ate at fancy italian resturaunts, took walks along the beach and spent long nights cuddling and watching netflix. It was perfect.

We were lying in bed when he decided we needed to talk.

"M..." I didnt like the tone of voice. "These last two weeks have been great. Amazing. Pretty much what Ive been dreaming about since we first met but..." he paused, his eyes roaming everywhere but on me.

"Just spit it out Huckleberry." I sighed running my hand down his chest.

"I have to go back to New York. My job is there and I cant stay away forever." He explained. I bit my lip and nodded. I had known it was coming but I just hoped it wouldnt be so soon.

"Oh..." I breathed out.

"Plus you have to get back to work too. I know youve been worried about running into Dani but its been three weeks. You have to start doing shoots again." I knew he was right but I didnt want to. And if I did start doing shoots I would want him by my side. Watching from the sidelines, giving me a quick thumbs up between shots. Or back home waiting for me in the airport after a long flight home. Home to him.

"So when do you leave?" I asked. As much as I wanted him to say, I couldnt ask him to leave his dream job for me. Especially since we had only been together for three weeks.

"Tomorrow at 6am." He mumbled.

"I guess we have to make today worth it then..." I wanted to savour every last minute with him. I swung my leg over and straddled him as his hands moved to my hips. I leaned down and pressed my lips to his. Then we spent his last day the best way we knew how.

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