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I never realized how much I truly loved Maya until I was running for my life from her father. I had always known I was strong but, running wasn't my thing. Sure I played sports for a while but after highschool, the running stopped. I could feel my lungs about to give up when Maya pulled up beside me in my truck.

"Get in." She laughed, pushing open the door. I climbed in and slumpedinto the seat. "Man, you are not the Huckleberry you used to be." Maya teased. She leaned over to me and I felt her breath tickle my skin as she whispered. "We will have to fnd a way to build up your stamina." The leaned back and began to drive while I just stared at her in awe. I was so in love with her.

She drove a little bit before stopping. I looked at her in confusion. I looked out the window to see she had stopped for Shawn. I returned my attention to her with fear in my eyes.

"Scoot over you wimp and open the door." I complied despite the terror I felt. Shawn climbed in, glaring at me. "Dad play nice." Maya said sternly. 

"Where are we going M?" I asked as we drove past her house.

"We are all going to dinner so we can talk like civilized beings. My mom is meeting us there." She explained. We pulled up to the Night Hawk diner. It had expanded since the last time I saw it and now was huge.Business had clearly picked up. Maya parked next to her mom's car. Shawn got out first and walked over to Katy but I grabbed Maya's arm before she followed suit. 

"You driving my truck is really hot." I told her with a smirk. She gave me a quick kiss before we got out of the truck to have dinner with her parents. Even though I had met her parents many times before this time it was different. I was meeting them as Maya's boyfriend.

We got a table and ordered before any of the conversation began. When the waitress brought us our drinks is when it began.

"Thank you." I said as she walked away with her empty tray. When I turned back to my table, Shawn was glaring and Katy had an unnaturally wide smile spread accross her face.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" Shawn interrogated. If looks could kill, I would have been dead multiple times over. I looked over to Maya, not sure if I wanted to be completely honest. Was it too soon? We had only been dating for a short time. But I had been in love with her since the 7th grade.

"Well Sir, although it is early in the relationship, I do intend to marry your daughter one day, with your blessing of course. Then depending on what she wants, I hope to start a family with her." I confessed. I felt awkward admitting it so soon but when I looked at Maya I didn't see fear, I saw love. She grabbed my hand under the table and squeezed it lightly. 

"Do you love her?"

"I always have." Shawn and Katy exchanged a look before turning back to me.

"Okay. I approve but, if you harm her in anyway, I will hunt you down and kill you." I nodded. The rest of the meal was peaceful and we all just talked. I offered to pay but Shawn said there was no reason because Maya was loaded (then he preceded to pay the bill while Maya got flustered). Maya and I walked out of the NightHawk Diner hand in hand. Our fingers interlocked perfectly and I didn't understand how I could ever have so much love for one person.

"I love you Ranger Rick." Maya smiled up at me and I leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss.

"I love you too, Short stack." Before she could protest to the nickname, I kissed her again.

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