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"So If it is a girl I was thinking Marie or Rosalind and for a boy I was thinking Albert or Isaac." Zay and I were laying on the couch trying to pick names for our baby. I had my head in his lap while he played with my hair.

"Those are all the names of scientists aren't they?" Zay looked down at me and I blushed.

"Maybe..." He shook his head and let out a chuckle.

"Of course those are your choices."He teased. I pouted slightly but I could not keep a straight face. "Allie if it is a girl Noah if it is a boy." Zay suggested.

"We are not naming pur kid after the characters in the Notebook." I said sternly.

"Damn it. I didn't think you'd notice." 

"Honey, you have made me watch that movie with you too many times to count, of course I know their names." I sighed.

"Okay, how about Celine for a girl and Dion for a boy..." He trailed off, knowing I was about to turn him down.

"Seriously?" I giggled at his love of the Canadian singer.

"Is that a no?"

"What do you think?" He sighed drmatically. 

"What about something for our friends? They have been such an important part of our life." Zay suggested. I liked the idea.

"Okay but no way in hell are we naming our kid Farkle." Zay gasped at my foul language but quickly broke into laughter.


"What about Luke for a boy and Miley for a girl?" 

"Miley? Like Cyrus?" Zay asked. I furrowed my brows at him in confusion.


"Nevermind. I kinda like Lucy." He smiled to himself. I liked it.

"Me too." I admitted. The smile broke out and I couldn't contain my joy.

"Lucy May Babineau." He grinned triumphantly.

"Perfect. What about Adam Riland Babineau for a boy?" 


"The school, where we met." 

"I love it. Lucy May and Adam Riland. I love you." I leaned up to kiss my husband. We were finally going to be a family and I could not be more excited. Life was perfect.

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