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"Hey honey." I looked up to see my parents standing in the doorway of my bedroom.

"Hey guys. Whats up...?" I asked closing my computer. I wheeled my office chair over near the door.

"Well...you know we love having you here right?" My mom started tiptoeing around whatever she wanted to say.

"Yes of course. What is it?" My eyes darted between the two.

"When are you leaving?" My father blurted. I sighed knowing it was coming.

"I know you guys probably want to go back to your thing but Im not ready. I just need you guys right now.

"Son, are you going to tell us what happened? Last time we talked you were dating that Danny girl and now you're here sulking in our house." Said my dad.

"Dani cheated on me." I told them building up to the worst part. "She slept with Josh."

"Oh Farkle! Im so sorry!" My mom rushed to my side and threw her arms around me.

"No mom I deserved it."

"No one des-"

"I cheated on her too." My parents both froze. "With Riley." I scanned them for reactions.
" Who is also in a relationship..."

"FARKLE!" They yelled together shocked.

"This is not how we raised you." My dad exclaimed.

"Why on earth would you-"

"BECAUSE IM IN LOVE WITH HER!" Everyone froze. Silence carried the weight of my confession. "I'm in love with Riley Matthews."

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