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I flew back to LA for a shoot and had been booked solid for two weeks. Lucas and I tried to video chat every night but with our schedules and the time differences, we had only spoken twice. I missed him likee crazy and wished he was with me but I knew he was happy. He loved helping animals all his life. He wanted to be a vet and now he was one.  I couldn't take that away.

I clicked on his picture and waited for him to answer. Soon enough he popped up on my screen.

"Hey Babe." He smiled. I could tell he was tired.

"Hey I won't keep you long, I just...I had to see your face." I admitted studying every detail.

"Are you able to come to New York soon?" He asked hopefully. I sighed not wanting to answer.

"I wish. I'm booked for the next two weeks. One in Paris, two here, a show in Tokyo." I explained sadly. He nodded in understanding.

"What if I flew down and met you in LA?" He questioned. The offer was tempting but he had to work.

"I can't ask you to do that. " I sighed. He shook his head. 

"I want to spend time with my girlfriend." He stated sternly.

"I know, I want to spend time with you too, trust me."

"Do you? For the past two weeks we've barely spoken. Everything was perfect when you stayed with me in New York but now it feels like you aren't trying." 

"I'm not trying?" He couldn't be serious. "I have called you every night after my shoots, I have messaged you every day on my lunch break, I'm doing all I can!" 

"I'm offering to go to you and you're acting like I have the plague!" He raised his voice and I winced. I hated seeing him mad.

"I just don't want you to ruin your life for me!"

"I'm not ruining my life, You are my life!" He was yelling no. "But I can see that I'm not yours. I'll talk to you later Maya."

"Luca-" The screen closed and Lucas was gone. After everything we'd been through, he was doubting my feelings for him. I had always loved Lucas, even when he was hung up on Riley for all those years. 

Now, after everything, he doubted my love for him. He was my world. And I may have just lost him.

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