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"Farkle what are you doing here?"

After my talk with Riley I booked a flight to London. She hadn't been answering my calls and it was miserable. I needed to talk to her. I needed to know the truth. Was she telling me about her pregnancy so I would leave her and Stefan alone to raise a family together? Or was she telling me because it was mine?

It seemed impossible. It couldn't be mine. But then again I had no idea if she had been intimate with Stefan. 

Maybe this was fate. I finally get to be with the girl of my dreams then I screw it up. This is fate's fail safe to get us together.

"Is it mine?" Was the only words I could manage to blurt out. She nodded carefully and moved out of the way, silently inviting me in.

"You flew all the way to London to ask me that?"

"You weren't answering my calls." I mumbled, standing my suitcase by the door.

"Can I get you something to drink?" She asked politely, taking my coat and hanging it up.

"What do you have?" I asked following her into the kitchen. 

"Coffee, tea, orange juice,water-" She turned to me, waiting for a choice.

"Got anything stronger?" She let out a small laugh and moved over to a cabinet. She opened it up revealing different bottles of alcohol.

"Take your pick." I grabbed a bottle of scotch and she got out a glass and filled it with ice. We moved around each other like a well oiled machine despite the fact that I had never been in her apartment before.

We sat down at her kitchen table. She was tapping her foot, clearly waiting for me to begin the conversation.

"So..." I took a deep breath and a long swig of my drink. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I didn't think you wanted anything to do with me." She admitted staring at her feet. I reached across the table and grabbed her hand. She looked up at me.

"I would never leave you to raise this baby alone." I said genuinely hoping she could understand my sincerity. She squeezed my hand.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away. But, if you are serious about being apart of this, I have a doctors appointment on Friday." 

"I'll be there. " I smiled. "And every other one after that."

"Farkle you can't stay in London, what about work? And your life back in San Francisco?"

"My life is wherever you are Riley Matthews. Plus, don't worry about work. I sold my company."


"I was living in New York with my parents so I sold the company. I'm kinda loaded now so you picked the right person to impregnate you." She gave me an unimpressed look. "Too soon?" 

"So you're staying in London?"

"If you'll have me."

"I'll go get the guest room set up." She grinned.

"You don't have to, I can stay at a hotel."

"It's no trouble." She placed my empty glass on the counter and began walking up the stairs. She turned around one last time. "Plus I'm going to make you pay rent Mr. Millionaire."

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