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Things with Farkle had been going great. He had been really supportive of everything and I was so grateful he wanted to be a part of the baby's life. Though we hadn't talked about the nature of our relationship since his confession. It seemed like we were flirting but I just pegged it as 20 years of friendship. 

I really liked having him around though. He ran errands for me so I wouldn't over exert myself. He cooked for us. He spent most of his alone time reading baby books. He would gush about everything with me. I already knew most of it but his excitement was adorable. When I had nightmares, he would immediately run in from the room next door and stay with me until I fell asleep again. It was nice.

But after a few weeks, I felt something shift. He was spending more time out of the apartment. He still took me to appointments but the car rides were tense. He was always fidgeting and distracted. He was keeping something from me and I knew he was seeing someone. I just wished he had the guts to tell me. 

We were eating dinner together one night when I finally got the courage to ask him about it. 

"So anything new?" Almost.

"Not really." He answered shoveling rice into his stupid, kissable lips. 

"Oh." I didn't know how to proceed with the converation without making it more awkward. So, I decided to go for it. "Are you seeing someone?" Farkle dropped his fork in shock.

"No! Of course not I-" He paused, processing his words. "I have just been trying to find a way to ask you if-" Now he was pausing for something else. He was nervous about whatever he was about to say. I felt my own heartbeat speeding up. "If you wanted to go out with me, like on a date..." He was blushing and now I was the one who was nervous. 


"Nevermind I'm sorry. I just thought we were getting closer and uh-"

"Yes. Of course I'll go on a date with you." I beamed. Since we had already done everything in the wrong order I moved around the table and kissed him. I blame the hormones. He kissed back for a brief second before pulling away.

"I know I've kinda already messed it up but, I want to do this right. I have been waiting since the first grade."

"Farkle we live together and are having a baby-"

"I know. But you deserve the world Riley Matthews. Let me do this right for you." 

"Okay." I went back to my seat and finished eating, unable to get the smile off of my face.

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