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As I continued to wallow in my own self pity after my date with Sarah, I recieved a video chat from Maya. It seemed very out of the blue  but I accepted immediately regretting it as I realized the scolding I was about to recieve.

"Hey Maya..." I laughed nervously.

"Whats going on with you Farks?" She asked bluntly. 

"What do you mean?" I asked obliviously.

"Your parents are so worried about you that they called me. Now tell Maya whats wrong." 

"Shouldn't you be video chatting with Lucas?" I teased but Maya fell silent staring at her keyboard. "Everything going okay with you two?"

"We are here to talk about you not me. Now whats wrong with you?"

"I don't know. I've just been a mess since the wedding and I don't know what to do." I confessed.

"What happened at the wedding?" If there was any time for honesty, this was it.

"Okay I'll tell you but you can't tell anyone. Not even Lucas or Riley."

"Okay just tell me!"

"At the wedding, I got pretty drunk and..." I took a deep breath preparing myself for the truth. "I slept with Riley." I blurted out.

"YOU WHAT?" Maya's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head. "PLEASE tell me that you mean you fell asleep in the same bed and not that you took her virginity while you were both drunk."


"OKAY. Fine. So you guys had sex. But you're not together so what happened?"

"Well we got into a fight after I said something stupid and she ran back to Stefan. She told me not to tell anyone because she didn't want to ruin the best thing that had ever happen to her." I explained. "What do I do Maya?"

"Listen Farkle, it's pretty obvious why you have been such a wreck and I know exactly what you need to do. I am going to give you the same advice that I gave my Huckleberry 14 years ago at the ski lodge. Go find Riley and tell her you love her." Maya advised.

"Maya I-"

"You love her. You have since the first grade. You may have loved us equally but it was never the same way. You are in love with her and she needs to know that it wasn't just a drunken mistake and that you actually want to be with her."

Maybe Maya was right. I had to tell Riley that I love her. Before it was too late.

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