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After a successful doctors appointment, Izzy and I were  heading to lunch with Dylan and Asher. Dylan was bringing his new girlfriend and we were all excited to meet her. 

We arrived at Chubby's first and grabbed a table. We waited for them to show up and talked about our baby. We were planning to tell them today.

When Dylan walked in, I was shocked. On his arm was none other then the girl of my middle school dreams. Vanessa. 

"Hey guys!" Izzy stood up and threw her arms around one of my oldest friends while I stayed sitting, frozen in shock. 

"Hello!" my wife beamed squeezing him.

"Everyone, this is Vanessa, my girlfriend." My wife hugged Dylan's new girlfriend.

"It is so nice to meet you! I am Isadora but most people call me Smackle." Izzy gushed while squeezing the other woman.

"Smackle?" Vanessa asked, confused.

"My last name." She laughed. "Well my old last name. This is my husband Isaiah. People usually just call him-"

"Zay? Zay Babineau? Oh my gosh!" Vanessa rushed over. "It's me! From elementary school! It's so good to see you." She hugged me and I reluctantly returned the embrace.

"You two know each other?" Izzy asked her eyes shifting between the two of us. Her eyes lingered on Vanessa for a moment before turning back to me. "Is she that Vanessa?" I had told Izzy many stories of my love for Vanessa back in middle school and somehow she hadn't forgotten. 

"Aw you talked about me?" Vanessa laughed sitting beside Dylan at the table. The table remained relatively quiet until Asher arrived.

We all ordered then waited for our food

"So, how long have you two been together?" Vanessa asked me.

"5 and a half years." I smiled at my beautiful wife.

"Wow. I hope Dyl and I's relationship lasts that long." She pulled him in for a kiss and the rest of us searched for anywhere else to place our eyes.

"So uh enough of that." Asher interrupted the moment leaving the two blushing. "I don't know about you guys but I would like my appetite to be intact by the time our food gets here." He teased. 

"What about you two?" Isadora questioned the pair.

"Three months." Vanessa gushed and Dylan stared at the ground.

"Funny, Dylan hasn't mentioned you ..." I stated earning an elbow to the gut from my wife.

"He's just a little embarrassed because he's way out of my league." Vanessa gushed. My eyes went wide, as did Asher's. There was no way he was out of her league. 

"Yeah sure uh he's out of your league." I laughed earning another elbow from Izzy.

After dinner I got ready to pay when Dylan grabbed the bill. He had never done that before which caught me off guard. He was definitely trying to show off for his new lady friend but I decided not to call him out on it in fear of another elbow to the ribs. We all said our goodbyes and went our seperate ways. As I started the car and got ready to drive away Izzy smacked me in the arm.

"What was that?" She questioned her temper flaring up.

"What was what?" I asked playing innocent.

"Were you jealous?" I was surprised by her question as even if I was, she wasn't the type to pick up on those social cues.

"No! Of course not! Why would you even-" I felt my voice raising a few octaves and didn't know what to do.

"I can not believe you!" She yelled, her voice filling the car. "We are MARRIED Isaiah. You pined after this girl in middle school." 

"Iz-It's not like that!"

"We are going home and then I am going to pack up some stuff and stay with a friend for a few days." With that I knew the argument was over and I drove home in silence. Only silence could be heard the rest of the night, except for the motor of the car as she pulled out of the driveway and drove away from me.

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