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"FARKLE! FARKLE!" My beautiful girlfriend's voice was echoing through the house. The minute I heard the panic, I sprinted down the stairs to be by her side. 

"Babe? Riles what's wrong?" I looked down and spotted the puddle of water on the floor. "Please tell me you pissed yourself..."

"I'm going to choke you out with my thighs if you don't get me to a hospital." 

"You know that could be kinda hot." As a glass flew by my head and smashed against the wall I realized she was not in the mood for any jokes. "I'm sorry, come on." I helped her out to the car but she stopped instead of getting in.

"We can't take your car." She stated bluntly. She winced in pain.

"Why not? Come on, get in." 

"I'll ruin the seats." She whined, pouting. God I love her.

"Our child is about to enter the world, I don't care about the car seats. Get in." She frowned but I opened the door and she slid in. We drove to the hospital and she was in pain. I wished more than anything that I could make the pain go away. "We're almost there Babe, just hold on tight." 

"It hurts Farkle." She groaned.

"I know, Baby, but we are almost there." 

We finally made it to the hospital and I managed to get her into the emergency room. 

"HELP! My girlfriend's going into labour!" I screamed. Nurses rushed over and brought us to a room where she would deliver the baby. 

We got into the room and the doctor began explaining everything. The baby wasn't ready to come out yet so we would have to wait until her contractions were closer together or something. 

"Farkle I'm not ready. I'm really scared. " Riley was crying now and I rushed to her side, taking her hand in mine. 

"It's okay. It's going to hurt for while but the rewards are going to be for the rest of our lives." I rubbed my thumb in circles around on her hand trying to comfort her in any way I could. 

"I'm scared." She was sobbing now.

"You are the strongest person I know. You can do it." 

The doctors came and it was time. She held my hand and slowly, as she screamed, I could feel the bones getting crushed. Soon, I was screaming too. 

"I'm so proud of you." She pushed and pushed until we heard the cry of our baby. "You did it babe. You did it."

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