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It only takes a moment for your whole world to come crashing down. 

"I'm sorry for your loss." Is never the words you want to here from anyone, especially your doctor. 

My knees went weak and I sat down in shock. It wasn't happening. It couldn't be. The doctor left us alone to talk about it but we remained silent. I held my head in my hands knowing that things would never be the same. I knew if I looked at Isadora I would crumble completely.

After I had rushed her into emergency, and I yelled at a few doctors and the receptionist, they brought us into a room and the doctor began to examine her. By his expression, I immediately knew something was terribly wrong. They took her away into an operating room and when they came back there was a very somber look in his eyes. As he began to explain what happened, my brain shut off. I couldn't process the words and they faded into white noise. It couldn't betrue.

We sat in silence after the doctor left, neither of us knowing what to do. I stared at the ground. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to punch something. I wanted to hug Izzy and tell her everything would be okay but it wouldn't. And she wouldn't belive me. We had both lost a part of us. 

Time of death was 7:03pm. He died before he got the chance to live. 

"Zay?" Isadora's voice was more vulnerable than I had ever heard it. I finally looked up. "Please forgive me." She began to cry and I rushed to her side.

"There's nothing to forgive. This is not your fault Isadora." I stroked her hair and kissed her forhead as my tears began to roll down my cheeks. My lungs began to feel like they were caving in.She stayed curled up on the hospital bed while I held her. We remained in this position for a while before their was a light knock on the door, indicating that they needed the room. We got the hint and walked out of the room where our perfect world came crashing down.

We drove home in silence and I took her to bed. She climbed under the covers and I placed a small kiss on her forehead before heading to the kitchen and pouring myself a drink. I sat on the couch and staired out the window trying to figure out how we would recover from this. After what felt like hours,  I came to only one conclusion. We wouldn't.

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