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I got home after my first shoot to see that I had missed a video chat request from Lucas. I tried requesting one but I got no answer.

The next day I was completely free so I waited by my laptop. Then the request game. I practically leaped up to hit accept and then I saw one of my favorite things.

Lucas was smiling on the other side.

"Hey." He spoke in a way that told me he just woke up.

"Morning Huckleberry." Though for him it was afternoon. "Shouldn't you be at work?" I asked earning a head shake.

"My shift starts at three." I nodded."How are you?"

"Im okay, I miss you."

"I miss you too." Come back. I wished I could say it.

"I took your advice and went to a shoot yesterday. "

"Thats great M."

"I have another one tomorrow." I told him hoping for a reaction.

"Im so proud of you."

We kept talking for a while. I conpletely lost track of time and so did he.

"Shit." He mumbled. "Maya I gotta go its 2:30."

"Yeah go Im so sorry."

"Don't. Ill talk to you soon." He sighed ready to hit the button.

"I love you."

"Love you." And then he was gone. I closed over my laptop and crawled into my bed. I was finally with Lucas and we were forcing a long distance relationship. We deserved better. He deserved better.

I went on my phone and started looking up flights to New York for friday. I booked a cheap one and started packing.

NYC here I come.

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